Chapter 8

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It's been two days since Namjoon came to his office to sign the contract, yet Jimin still had that dreamy, faraway look on his face whenever he thought about the pilot. The CEO found himself on the brink of giggling at the most inappropriate moments whenever thoughts of the handsome man would flit through his mind-- during a remote meeting with a potential investor, while eating his solitary lunch. And while staring at the beautiful plant that the raven-haired boy gave him.

Determined to keep the tiny plant alive, Jimin turned on his laptop and pulled up a search page to know more about caring for it. He knew absolutely nothing about bonsai, and he was genuinely terrified that he might accidentally kill the miniature tree. Staring at his phone, he wondered if he should call Namjoon to ask him for tips.

Just to keep the bonsai alive, of course.

Just as he was about to type "how much water should I give my bonsai," Hanseul rushed into his office, gasping, "Sir, you're not gonna like this, but your stepmother is on her way up. She demands to speak with you, at once."

Raising his eyebrow at his assistant, Jimin said, "I thought you gave reception clear instructions not to give her access?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you sir," said Hanseul, who looked as if he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. "The receptionist is new, she didn't know about it."

"Well, tell that bitch that I'm not here," Jimin insisted.

"Too late for that," said Park Jisoo, who slinked into Jimin's office wearing a strapless, tight-fitting red dress, red high heels, and incongruously large sunglasses that covered almost half of her face. 

Staring at his stepmother with unveiled loathing, Jimin willed himself to stay calm. 

"Jisoo. What brings you to my office? On your way to get Botox shots again? If you are, you're in the wrong building," Jimin deadpanned.

"You little shit," Jisoo spat. "Why the hell did you ban my friend from booking a room at the Jeju hotel?"

Jimin flashed his stepmother an infuriating smile and calmly answered, "Your friend? Oh yes, the second-rate actor who always looks constipated during crying scenes? You'll remember that he completely trashed one of the rooms during his stay last month."

Flipping her long, black hair over her shoulder, Jisoo sneered and shot back, "So? I paid for the damages, didn't I?"

"Correction. It looks like you used your black card, which was given to you by my father to pay for the damages. So technically, dad was the one who coughed up the cash to pay for your friend's fuck-up, am I correct?" Jimin drawled.

"My friend was so humiliated, he disinvited me to the MAMA afterparty of the year!" Jisoo yelled.

"Oh, poor you," Jimin said. Flashing Jisoo the fakest smile that he could muster, he added, "It must be hard, not having the chance to hobnob with your favorite idols and actors. I get that you're young, Jisoo. You're only four years older than me, but may I remind you that you're married to my dad. As the wife of the chairman of ARCADIUM, you're expected to behave with some modicum of decency, if you know what I mean."

"Fuck you, you little twink!" Jisoo shouted. "Just who do you think you are? I was somebody before I met your dad, I was Miss Korea for fuck's sake! I was on my way to become an actress when your father pursued me and asked me to marry him! I gave that all up because I love your father, you fucking nitwit!"

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Jimin drawled. "Of course, dad is so easy to love, isn't he? The fact that you get a shit ton of money from him for your godawful clothes, your gaudy jewelry, and your plastic surgery addiction makes him the ideal husband, am I right?"

Jisoo was almost foaming at the mouth with rage. Pointing a shaking finger at Jimin, the former beauty queen sneered. "Just you wait, Jimin. You won't be sitting on that chair forever. The moment I give your dad a son, you'll be out of here in just a few years. You better have a Plan B in mind, I hear twinks like you don't get much job offers these days."

Jimin gave his stepmother a cold look.  With bone-chilling calmness, Jimin spoke.

"You've already wasted a good part of my morning, Jisoo. Better leave now, or should I call security to drag your cheap ass out of here? Or I could do the dragging myself, my arms could use the workout. You decide."

Jisoo stared at Jimin, her double D breasts heaving with rage as she contemplated what to do. 

"I'm leaving," Jisoo spat out. Glancing at the bonsai, the woman let out a derisive laugh and said, "What the hell is with you homos and your tiny plants? You're all the same, fucking losers!" 

"Don't let your fake boobs get caught in the elevator door!" Jimin called out before Jisoo slammed the door. 

With a groan, Jimin massaged his temples and took a deep breath. His head was starting to throb as he felt a headache coming on. The CEO was thinking of getting a drink when someone came knocking at his door. 

"Is the wicked witch of Gangnam gone?" Yoongi said tentatively while giving his best friend a worried look.

"Yeah," Jimin exhaled. "That trainwreck of a woman is the worst. She's completely lost it."

"Jimin," Yoongi began. "You need to be careful. Word from the street is that she's got connections to a mob boss, and I-"

"You think I should be worried about that?" Jimin scoffed. "That evil bitch is trying to make connections everywhere to stay relevant. Don't worry Yoongi, she's all bark but no bite."

"Still," his best friend insisted. "At least be careful. You'll never know what's on that woman's mind. Seeing her gives me the shivers, and not the good kind. One question, are her boobs really fake though?"

"Eww, Yoongi!" Jimin cringed. "C'mon! Jesus, don't make me lose my appetite before lunchtime! I was looking forward to eating at that new sushi place, you jerk."

"Ugh, fine," Yoongi huffed. The blonde eyed Jimin warily and shrugged. 

"Still, they're humongous," he deadpanned.

"Goddamnit Yoonkitty!"


Ugh. We don't stan her. At all.

Also, Yes Jimin, go on with your bad self! 

Coming up: Namjoon and Jimin's first flight! 😉✈💜

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