Chapter 17

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After three years of hiding, two best friends were finally going to meet. It wasn't exactly hiding but they didn't see each other and kept themselves busy with work. They both were traveling to a country for work purposes otherwise they would not have seen each other for more years.

Manik and Murat was sitting on the same car but they didn't say anything except the hi and hello in the beginning. They had lots to talk about but didn't know where to start.

"Are we done with hiding?" Murat finally broke the silence.

"We were hiding? Then why did we come out?" Manik rolled his eyes.

"We should have hide together not from each other."

"Yeah, two poor left behind grooms. It was not bad at all." Manik said sarcastically but the anger was evident.

"It wasn't bad because people do not know the truth. I told my grandma that she got a chance to be a well known doctor in another country and I told her that the wedding can wait. She told this explanation to everyone and thankfully people stopped pestering me." Murat said with a sigh.

"I also said something like this to my mother. Though she knew that something was not right but she didn't question because of the family reputation."

"I don't remember who did it but I can remember someone cursing us saying that our brides will run away. Look how exactly it happened."

"That person should be thankful that we don't remember her. I can't believe we let it happen. But it's something that was supposed to take place." Manik said looking out of the window.

"They just told us that we were jerk in 13 different languages by running away. No sane girl would marry jerks like us."

"We had enough time to understand what went wrong. To be honest, I never thought Nandini could do it. But she did what nobody did before and forced me to think what I was doing. We all were just pressing her to do something that we wanted but nobody asked if she wanted the same. She clearly didn't want to get married but we didn't care."

"Same here, I wanted her to bend her wills and do whatever I want. I wanted to play with her emotions. I only realized how wrong it was after she left."

"We are in an insanely similar situation. No matter how angry I am but she did the right thing if she didn't run away I would have make her life miserable. She gave me the reality check that I needed. Can't say the same about my mother though. She is a modern woman with ancient thought process."

"Gosh,they made us talk like a softy. Get yourself together, we are meeting Nial."

"You are meeting him first. I need to meet one of my clients. I will join you guys for lunch."

Nandini Arora's POV

"Why this sudden meeting with the boss? We were supposed to have this meeting one week later! I don't even have a sketch for showstopper's dress." I said with a groan.

"I heard a very important person is coming that's why the boss want the entire designing team present in the meeting." Alice said.

"What am I going to do?" I started to pull my hair.

"You will be fine. I am sure they won't mind when you ask for more time. Show stoppers dress is no joke and they must know it."

"I hope so. It totally depends on their mood."

"Tell me what do you want it for lunch so that I can order it."

"I don't want anything. I have lost my appetite." I mumbled after settling my head on the table.

"Alright, I will order something for you. You are not picky with food." Alice left my cabin to continue her work.

"Why did you ask me if you are not going to listen to me?" I sighed followed by a groan. A thought crossed my mind and that made me sit straight. "Am I going to present everything in that meeting? Oh hell no!"

I practically ran out of my cabin and clapped to get others attention. "You all must have heard that we have a meeting with our boss for the fashion show dresses. Each one of you will present your dress and what we are expecting. I am not going to present it for you. You have one hour before the meeting and that's enough time to prepare." I could see some pale faces but I could not help them. I had my own worries to sort out.

The dress will have dark colors. Mostly black and green. I had made a sketch of a simple gown but I had no idea, what wow factors I could include. I had several ideas but they really didn't fulfill anything.

I had to get ready because it was almost time for the meeting. I made a tight bun to hide my messy hair. Alice helped the boss' secretary to set up the meeting room. Meanwhile I fixed my makeup. I can't stay the way I came to the office all day. At the end of the day I look like someone who just went through a rough tug war.

I got Alice's text asking me to come to the meeting room as only two minutes were left. I ran towards the meeting room and was about to open the door when my boss and another person came from my opposite side.

"Nandini, How are you? Didn't see you for a while." My boss Nial Rodriguez said.

"Well, you didn't ask for the designer team for a long time as well." I tried to laugh.

"Aren't you the boss? You should look into everything once in a while." The other person said.

"I do check other departments but Nandini is very efficient. She manages everything well. This is Nandini Arora, our design department head. Nandini, This is Murat Yilmaz, my friend and company's share holder as well." My boss introduced us.

"Hello, sir. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." He said and hold the door open, "Ladies first."

I smiled and silently entered inside the meeting the room. Everyone greeted them and the meeting started. One by one our designers were presenting their dress ideas. It was a long meeting and we all were waiting for it end when Nial asked me something.

"Where is the show stopper dress?"

"I am yet to finalize that. I have few ideas so, I need more time to see which one suits more." I said sincerely.

"That's fine. Show stopper's dress is the main event so, it will need more time than usual and we have time before the fashion show. Take all the time you want." Mr. Yilmaz said and Nial nodded. I sighed in relief and thanked him. Mr. Yilmaz was undoubtedly a gentleman.

We were finally done with the meeting and I was heading towards my cabin when Alice stopped me. "The rest of the material is here. Do you want to check before we accept it?"

"Oh they are here? Let me teach them some lesson." I went downstair to check on the truck.

"You have a big truck still you fail to deliver the whole order in one time."

"We were facing some problems with the materials that day. That's why we were told to deliver only half of your order."

"It's not the first time though. Load them inside." I was coming back through the main entrance when I saw Nail and Murat coming out through the door. Then I stopped on my tracks when I saw someone familiar shaking hands with Nial. First I thought, I must be seeing things but it was him!

Manik Mehrotra.

Chapter 18 is available on Inkitt.

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