Chapter 22

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Nandini Arora's POV

The day for fashion show was here and I finally had some idea about my show stopper's dress. I was watching some animal program where they show us the peacock spreading her colorful feathers. That gave me the idea that I was looking for.

My dress would look like a simple short dress. But the model would unbutton two buttons that would hold the rest of the folded dress. A long colorful and more designed trail would come out and complete the dress. I spent a whole week behind the dress because I had only that much time before I had to work for the set of the fashion show.

I told the planner to make it colorful, sophisticated and delicate. We did not need any heavy or too plain set. I was afraid about Manik making an appearance but I got to know that he left because of some emergency. I also did not see much of Murat sir so, I guess he went back as well but might be back for the show.

I sighed in relief as I would not have to look out for him. I could do my work without any tension. I just had to be away from camera and I will be fine.

Few days later,

"Hayat, I want you to be there. I am sure many of your rich patients will be there as well. You missed my previous shows as well." I was whining around her.

"I will miss the show again but I can promise that I will be at the party. I will be free then."

"All right. That would be fine as well. You are the only one whom I can invite and it's been a while since we had some good time."

"I know. We, the professional ladies are very busy with their professions. I am sure the show will be amazing. Good luck." She gave me a hug before leaving for the hospital.

I also got ready a little bit and left with my party dress. As a head designer, I should have design a new dress but no time for that there.

As soon as I reached the venues, it was just pure chaos. Models were everywhere with the people who would do their hair and makeup, matching with their clothes. Designers running around with dresses like I did not make them finish everything before. No matter what you do, you can't control backstage chaos. There would be some problems happening, suddenly.

I tried to help those designers out and went back to the models to see if their hair and makeup was good. Then I went to check on the set, they were working on the lighting and moving the chairs. The hired band for the music set their instrument. Satisfying with the progress, I went back to the backstage.

Hours went by and we had a hour before the show starts. All the designers got back to get ready for the show. Before the show starts, Nial and Murat both came to see the backstage.

"How is everything, Nandini." Nial asked.

"Well, I try to make everything amazing but it turned out good." Nial laughed.

"You and your humor. Let me check it myself."

"Please do. I need everything to be fine."

Nial left me with Murat and he gave me a smile. "How are you?"

"I will be fine after everything is done." I said with a small smile. "By the way, did not see you here for few days.

"I was just busy." He looked around as if searching for someone.

"I heard that the designers are allowed to invite their guests. Is there someone coming from your side?" He asked casually. I would have find that weird but it was also a very common question asked by noisy people. He might be really curious.

"Oh, my roommate is coming but she will only join me after the show in the party. She is a little busy."

"Oh, okay. You seem to be very close with your roommate. Anyway, see you later and all the best."

"Thank you." I went back to check on the models for the countless of times.

The show had started and the models went on the runway one by one. The show was going really well and the audience, the elite class audience were really enjoying the show, discussing among themselves.

The critics were behaving like a audience and the audience were trying to act like critics. After a series of dresses, it was finally time for the show stopper.

I could feel my heart beating fast. The lighting was a bit different from the usual to add some effect as the show stopper entered on the runway.

First everyone frowned because the dress was clearly not fit to be a showstopper. Halfway through the runway and she unbutton the buttons and a long, beautiful trail just came out. I could hear the gasp and see the fascination in their eyes. I was already jumping even before my model could come back.

I got exactly the reaction I wanted to see and it was a great feeling. Nial gave a speech when all the models went back to the runway one more time to showcase the dresses. Everyone was happy with the show, they were discussing, laughing while they event management removed the chairs and installed few sofa, opened the bar, and changed the setting of the lights into a party one. In no time, we were having a party with a runway.

The food corner was settled. The waiter came out with drinks in their hands. The party was going on in full swing. I did not see Nial and Murat there which was odd.

I met with few critics, talked to them and they were talking about they liked about the dresses, wow factor and everyone of them praised my show stopper's dress. I was having a good time but I continued to check on the clock as I wait for Hayat.

Soon I saw Hayat entering the party with her dazzling smile and she got so many attention like obviously she was a very beautiful woman.

"Thank God, you are here. I thought you won't come."

"I thought so too but yeah finally got time. Looks like the party going well."

I took champagne from the waiter and gave one to Hayat. "Yeah, thankfully the show was good as well."

We were talking and Hayat met few of her patients there. We were talking when I saw Nial walking on the runway with two more man behind him.

I frowned as he already gave his speech on the show. Then I saw who were beside him and froze. Manik was standing on his right and his eyes were fixed on me.

I was too shocked to see that Hayat froze beside me as well. I wanted to look away but his stare was holding me back and my body refused to work.

"Double sh!t."

I did not know that it was double sh!t indeed.


Chapter 23 is available on Inkitt. Link is on my bio.

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