Chapter three: A new adventure_part 11

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Even if not much is really known about the about the Beyond: It is a certain fact, that it is the home of countless demons. To categorize them all is an unimaginably difficult task. But still - some facts are already known, to classify some of them. Demons with the ability to interact in a special way with their victims, are called parasites. There is one parasite, which perfectly understood how to take control of the victims mind and how to manipulate their actions.

Codeword: P:0101222:Morgo.

He is a very intellegent shapeshifter, but it's unknown, what form he can take in addition to the moose-like appearance. Since some demons develop very human personalities, it is assumed and not be excluded, that these individuals are beings whose souls once sprang from a human body and are now bound to a demon body due to unexplained circumstances. Morgo's real origin and appearance are unknown to outsiders.

At these moment, only Morgo himself knows what happened in his past and that he can take shape of a moose-like creature and also can transform to a humanoid form. Only he knows, that he needs his full power to hold up his monster form and that he can teleport in this form also very far away distances. But one thing is known - he made a mistake! One of his victims -Misfortune -unlike to other children, she was able to hear his voice in her head. What made this girl so special? A question which also came to Morgo's mind, when he returned for his recovery to his realm. "How could I be so inattentive?" he thought to himself. "How was it possible, that I sometimes almost forgot my evil plans?" Also, when he tried to hide his true persona behind his lies and fake feelings, still strange other feelings awoke in him when he was once with her together on this journey. He noticed that he was worried and took care for someone. He really felt like a protector, because Misfortune was so many times in trouble. Every time these thoughts confuse him. He led so many children to ruin with his lie about the Eternal Happiness. What was this special connection to her, that it was so difficult and different this time? Indeed, there was something, that he couldn't saw...something, that he didn't understand. His demonic instincts made him blind. Morgo shook his head to get rid of these thoughts. He closed his eyes, to see through the eyes of one of his crows, which was flying directly next to Misfortune and Benjamin. He clearly saw the pictures in his head now. There was the girl and this annoying fox on their way to his realm. He felt how his strength came back with the time, when he recovered. He felt the energy flowing through his body and he transformed back into his monster form. He opend his eyes and said "Let's start a new game! But this time, I will win!"

 He opend his eyes and said "Let's start a new game! But this time, I will win!"

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