Chapter five: New ways_part 20

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"Okay I'm ready, Benji! Let's create a new gate to Senersedee!" Misfortune and Benjamin concentrated their energies and slowly a gate took shape of a bright, red, floating circle with swirling light rays, appearing in front of them. The ground was shaking and some stones begun to leviate around the gate. Morgo was kinda amazed when he saw, that such simple beings like them, were really able to create gates and travel through the realities. He thought to himself "I don't like to admit... but, that's impressive...Anyway, my reality warp is more effective. If I only had my full strength, then...-" "We're done! Can we go now? "The demon's thoughts were interrupted by the girls calling. "Alright!" said Morgo when he tried to get up on his feet. He felt so weird. Wasn't he about to die some moments ago? And now he stands up and would walk with this girl and this fox through this gate into a realm, that he has never seen before. He was a bit wobbly on his legs, but he made it to get up. "Do you need help?"asked the girl the demon. " thank you, Misfortune. I can do it alone." "Okay." said Misfortune, when they were waiting for him. Benjamin looked suspiciously at Morgo, but Misfortune trusted the demon now...that was a bit careless in his opinion, but he had no idea how to convince her, that it could be dangerous. But all against this thoughts, his feeling told him to relax, because he trusted Misfortune. If she trusts Morgo, he would accept it, but if the demon plans any trouble, he swears, that was the last trouble he would ever do and Benjamin would make sure for that. Morgo reached with some effort the girl and the fox and from now on, Benjamin didn't let Misfortune out of his sight and he made sure that she was the first who entered the gate. And so, Misfortune went through, to leave The Beyond and was on the other side now. Benjamin gave Morgo a serious gaze and the demon said annoyed "Alright, alright! I got it! I'd prefer to go last anyway, just to keep enough distance to you, flea circus! "Benjamin just ignored it and jumped to the other side. When Benjamin was standing next to Misfortune she hugged him tightly and waved at Morgo that he should hurry, before the gate probably dissapears, before he could enter it. Morgo took a deep breath "Oh well, let's do this!"and he jumped through the gate as well, which directly closed when he was standing on the ground of Senersedee. "Yes, we're finally back!" yelled Misfortune happily, took Benjamin's paws and performed a little dance with him. "I see, you improved your "dance moves", Misfortune." said Morgo with a little smile, while he was taking a look around and was sitting on the ground, because he was still pretty exhausted and tired, when he saw in the distance something small, running into their direction. Misfortune and Benjamin noticed it too and they heard the barking of a dog...Misfortune didn't need any closer look and she happily yelled "It's Lil' Cutie! Our puppy doggy!" The dog finally reached Misfortune, jumped in to her arms and licked happily the girls face. The little dog was so excited and jumped also to Benjamin, also licking his face enthusiastically, but when Lil' Cutie also reached Morgo, she stopped for a moment and sniffed on him first, but then decided to do the same with him. "Aaargh...can someone please take away this dog?" said the demon annoyed, when the dog jumped on him and licked his face as well. Misfortune and Benjamin giggled and the girl said "Oooh, she is happy to meet you for reals now and she gave you a kiss. That means, she really likes you!" But Morgo blushed a little in embarrassment and tried to get rid of the dog while he said "I wish, she would not! Uhg...When I hate something more than foxes, than it's dogs like this one here...uuughr!" Misfortune giggled again, but she took the dog away from the demon. "Phew...Thank you." said Morgo when he wiped the dog's saliva from his face. "He didn't mean it like that!" she whispered to the puppy. "This is pretty special, when she's doing this, because she actually only likes good persons... I guess, it's a good sign. See, Benjamin? That's the best proof. "Benjamin was still not convinced, but he nodded. Misfortune put the puppy on the floor and it started to sniff here and to sniff there. "We have to go now, that you can both receive medical treatment." said the girl, when they noticed someone else coming in to their direction....

" said the girl, when they noticed someone else coming in to their direction

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just a simple sketch of how Morgo and Benjamin dislike each other xD lol

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