Chapter five: New ways_part 21

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Lil'Cutie began to bark again and run in the direction, where the strange person came from. Misfortune, Benjamin and Morgo had no idea who it was and with curious looks they followed where the dog was going. They noticed, the person weard a long cloak which reached the ground and was not walking, but rather levitating over the ground and the little dog ran directly to the person. "Oh, here you are! I was looking for you all over the place! And it seems, that you already found our heroes and welcomed them home." said the strange person, which was not really a strange person, because Misfortune and Benjamin already suspected it all the time and now they can clearly see it: it was the Skull Lady - the guardian of Senersedee and she was obviously looking for Lil' Cutie. "Hello, we're back and we finished our mission." said Misfortune happily. The Skull Lady looked around and when she saw Morgo, she reacted surprised and asked "Whoare you?" Before Morgo could say any word, Misfortune begun quickly to explain the whole story. She told the Skull Lady everything what happened. "And because I felt, that Morgo is deep inside a good guy, we decided to give him another chance. He was just lonley and he already showed us, that he has changed to the good side and I trust him now!" Morgo felt a bit uncomfortable, but he was glad, that Misfortune tried to explain the situation as good as possible. But the Skull Lady wasn't convinced yet and doubtfully she said. "What a dangerous decision of you two. I'm not sure, if I can be approve of your unauthorized action. What did you both think? At least I expected more from you, Benjamin. I have given you full responsibility." said the Skull Lady serious. Benjamin looked ashamed to the ground, but Misfortune didn't give up and defended him. "It was not Benjamin's's nobody's fault...because I'm pretty sure, we did the right thing...and also, Morgo needs medical treatment...I didn't want to leave him injured." The Skull Lady replied "I can understand that the current humanoid look of him made you act this way you did, but he is still a dangerous demon and his intentions are unclear. I'm sure we could have found an other solution, before you brought him here!" Misfortune felt a bit helpless "But...but...I was so sure about it and - " "It'sokay, Misfortune." interrupted Morgo the girl. "You need to understand, she is the guardian of this realm...she wants things to go right, so this is a completely normal reaction." tried Morgo to calm her down. Misfortune looked hopefully at Morgo. "But things will go right now?" "Yes...I think we can give it an attempt for a restart and make things better." said the demon confidently. "The time will show it! But for now, I'll take care of your wounds. And what about you two?"asked the Skull Lady. "I'm fine, but Benjamin's leg need a check up and Morgo needs a bandage for his arm." said the girl. The Skull Lady looked at Morgo and said "It looks like you are to exhausted, so I'll send you a bit energy. I twill not heal your injuries, but it will give you enough energy, for the walk to the headquarter, that is not far away from here." When she has spoken this, she raised her arms and sent the energy to the surprised looking Morgo, who was still sitting on the ground. A tingling sensation ran through his body. "WOW!" said the demon excited and got up from the ground. "This is great! I feel so much better now! Thank you." "This is so awesome! I'm really glad, that you feel better. Now we can finally go!" cheered Misfortune. "So follow me!" said the Skull Lady and they followed her through the wide, rough land of Senersedee.

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