Chapter five: New ways_part 19

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After a while she let go of Benjamin, turned around and looked at Morgo. Slowly she went closer to him and knelt down beside him. Her tears were dripping down her cheeks on his body and nervously she said "I know you didn't like my glitter that much, but I still want to sprinkle the last of it over you. It's the last happiness which I can give you now." She reached into her side pocket and took out a hand full of glitter, that she sprinkled over his motionless body. It surrounded him like a positive, sparkling aura. Misfortune's gaze wandered to his amulet and she was angry about herself. "Ah silly me! Why didn't I just take it, when he wanted to give it to me? Now I feel so bad, by taking it by myself. But I want to keep it as a keepsake." Carefully she touched the amulet and a tear, which was hanging on her chin dropped down on it. Suddenly, the red gemstone of the amulet begun to glow again. "What? What's happening now?" It was a warm, cozy glow and Misfortune was very happy that Morgo didn't lied to her, when he said, that there is no dark magic inside anymore. The glowing became more intensive. Slowly the demons chest rose and fell and he begun to breath again. Morgo opened his eyes and dazed he looked around. The girl startled and fell back on her little butt. "What? I...I thought you were dead?!" said Misfortune totally shocked. Also Benjamin looked in disbelief. He saw so many strange things today, that he can't decide in what he can believe and in what not. Morgo straightened up slowly and was now sitting next to Misfortune. The girl was pretty unsure "How is that possible? But you were dead?!" she asked the demon. "I...I guess, I was! The only thing I remember is, that I felt so weightless ...floating like a feather. And now I'm back in, what actually happened?" Misfortune started to explain "Well...I sprinkled my last glitter over you and...-" "You did what?" interrupted Morgo a bit confused and looked down on his vest and shirt. "Oh, great!...Well, my sleeve is ripped anyway!" he said a bit annoyed and Misfortune chuckled a little about it, but then she continued "I decided to take your amulet as a keepsake and when I touched it, accidentally a tear of mine dropped on it and it suddenly started to glow." "I see... No need to waste your tears over me...really not... but I'm glad to hear, that you wanted to keep my amulet anyway. You have to know, it's a very special amulet, which I wanted to give to a very special child." "You already told me, why I'm so special, but what makes the amulet so special? Please, tell me!" said Misfortune curious. "Oh, this is a long story and I think we don't have time for this now, but I can tell you later, if you want." said Morgo a bit overhelmed. "Alright...promised?" "Yes, I promise, Misfortune!" The girl was very happy and said "Wait a minute...does it mean you want to stay and come with us to Senersedee?" Benjamin gulped when he did hear that. What would his boss say, when they come back along with a demon from The Beyond? But Morgo just smiled and answered to Misfortune "I'm not sure, if this is a good idea, but If you really want, I come with you." "Oh of course, I want it!" She was very excited and jumped into Morgo's arms and gave him a tight hug. Morgo was visibly surprised by this unexpected hug, but he gently hugged her as well, when he heard a soft sobbing from her. "Hey, what is it?" asked the demon calmly and Misfortune looked at him, her eyes filled with happy tears. "I'm just so glad, that you are not dead and that my glitter really could help you!" "Oh I think, it was not only the glitter...there was something more to it. And somehow I'm still alive, thanks to you!" said Morgo satisfied. "Ah stop it! I even didn't know what I'm doing." replied the girl with a little chuckle and hugged the demon again."Ouch...uughr!" Morgo winced a bit. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" asked Misfortune concerned. "Well, with all the excitement, I totally forgot my pain, which I still have in my chest and my arm." "Oooh! So, we need finally to go, that we can treat your wounds!" She looked at Benjamin and said "You need a check up for your leg too, Benji! Are you ready to leave?" The fox felt pretty uncomfortable with the thought of, what awaits him when they come back, but he was sure that they will find a solution and so he agreed. And so Misfortune and Benjamin prepeared their scepters to create a new gate back to Senersedee.

 And so Misfortune and Benjamin prepeared their scepters to create a new gate back to Senersedee

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