Chapter four: The demon's fall_part 12

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Misfortune and Benjamin where brave on their way to cross the dusty lands of the Beyond to get to Morgo's realm

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Misfortune and Benjamin where brave on their way to cross the dusty lands of the Beyond to get to Morgo's realm. Misfortune brushed the dust off her clothes and Benjamin out of his fur. They took a deep breath and Misfortune said "Let's go, we need to find this monster! "As she said this words she stuck out her tounge and showed her middlefinger to one of this crows, which where still flying very close around them. "Bleeeh!" She was pretty sure that Morgo could see it. Benjamin chuckled at her and then they started to walk. It was difficult to breathe in this thick air and it was very warm. They stopped for a moment, when they heard some noises, like stones are rolling over the ground and a heavy stamping came closer and closer. Suddenly some wild creatures jumped out from behind a rock and landed directly in front of them. They looked like iguanas, but much bigger. They had a pointed beak with sharp teeth, sharp claws and a scale armor with spikes on their backs. They grunted and growled aggressively, as if they were about to attack in any moment - what they did. The creatures came fast closer. They tried to catch and grab Misfortune and Benjamin, but they dodged cleverly. But Misfortune didn't notice the creature behind her and when she saw it, she screamed "Benjamin help me!". She made some steps backwards but was falling on the ground. In the moment when the monster was about to jump on her, it was hit by a light ray from Benjamin's scepter. The creature fell to the ground and remained motionless. Misfortune got back on her feet and took her scepter as well. They both shot now many light rays at these creatures, untilthey didn't fight back anymore and remain motionless, laying on theground. "We did it!" cheered Misfortune happily. "Thank you for saving me, Benji but, damn these monsters were so scary. That was pretty close.'' She said to Benjamin. "I wonder how far it is...we are walking for a while now and my tiny feet get tired. I'm a little lady, you know? Are we there soon?" asked Misfortune Benjamin impatiently. Benjamin had no answer and shrugged with his shoulders. They went on, still following the crows, until they came to the edge of a precipice where a steep slope led down. They stand at the edge and had now a view about a wide land, which was like a desert, surrounded by high rocks. In the far distance they could see a big building. It was surrounded by a wall of dark magic and even more crows,  were flying around frantically. "There!"shouted Misfortune and pointed with her finger. "I guess, we are finally there. This must be Morgo's hideout! But what about this magic wall? How to get inside? Maybe we can create a gate with our scepters when the good energy hits the bad energy." Benjamin nodded confidently and our heroes carefully began to climb down the steep slope. Benjamin went ahead and Misfortune followed him. They climbed down from ledge to ledge, when the girl suddenly lost her footing on that slippery rocks and threatened to fall down. She screamed but Benjamin has good reflexes and quickly grabbed her hand before she could fall. He pulled her close to him on firm ground. "Thank you Benji! You saved me again. You are the best protector, I could wish for!" The fox smiled sheepishly and they moved on. It was a long, exhausting way down, but finally they reached the ground.

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