Chapter six: Happy Ending_part 26

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They reached the rocky building and Misfortune and Benjamin were already about to enter the building, but Morgo stopped in front of the gate. Misfortune looked back and asked "What is it? Don't you want to come inside?" He sighed and answered "No...there is something I need to tell you, please come to me." The girl was unsure, but did what he said. He knelt down to her and spoke "Listen Misfortune, we've had a difficult, but also good time behind us. It was fun to spend this time with you, but I have to go now." "What? No! What do you mean?" asked the girl, not understanding the situation. "You have a good and safe home now. You have a protector and friend, who cares for you. You don't need me. It's not my world...I belong to theBeyond." tried Morgo to explain, but Misfortune became very sad and some little tears begun to run down her cheek. "But I don't want you to leave! I thought we're friends! Please, don't go!" Morgo took her in his arms to calm her down. Also Benjamin was touched by the sight. "Why do you want to leave? There is no good reason for say, I wouldn't need you, but I do! You are a dad...a dad that I've never had..." she said, sobbing desperate. "A dad?" asked Morgo surprised and she softly whimpered "Yes." She spoke out, what had long been hidden inside him, but he could not shape it into a proper thought. He really developed over the time parental feelings for her. He never saw it so clear as now, that she really liked him in a twisted way and the same was true to him. But he already made a decision: he had to leave. "If you really want to leave, I don't want to stop you..." said Misfortune with a trembling voice and ripped Morgo out of his thoughts. When he saw her big, sad eyes, he really felt so guilty for all his decisions so far...But this time he would do the right thing. There was a moment of silence between them, when Morgo came up with a thought. "Hey, I have an idea!" Misfortune was a bit perplexed and asked "Tell me! What is it?" "Well, I totally forgot about that option...uh wait..." Morgo's amulet started to glow in an intense red, when his hand was floating over it. Suddenly it started to double and he was holding now a second amulet in his hand, optically the same like the one on his shirt collar. Benjamin couldn't believe his eyes and Misfortune was so amazed by that, she forgot for a moment how sad she was and she simply said "Fancyyyy! Is it for me?" "Yes!" replied Morgo proudly. Misfortune became sad again, when she came back to the thought, she would Morgo never see again. "A keepsake, so that I don't forget you?...I wouldn't anyway..." He lifted her up in his arms and said "It's even better than that! I explain it to you. Whenever you want to see me, or you are in trouble, you take this amulet, you focus your thoughts very firmly on me and I'll come to you...I'll teleport faster to you, as you can think. Well, how is that?" Morgo handed her the amulet carefully into her tiny hands. "It's so easy? I only have to think on you?" "Yes! You can't see it, but the energy flow of this two amulets is connected now. Maybe you need some attempts, but with a strong will, it will work." he added. The two amulets were blinking and glowing in the same way at the same time. Misfortune hold it so happy in her hands and she hung it with the chain, that was on it, right away around her neck. She gave Morgo a tight hug. "It's beautiful! Thank you so much, Morgo!" "You're welcome, Misfortune. I knew you would like my gift!" "Gift you say?" Suddenly Misfortune remembered on the dolls, that she've found earlier at the beginning of her adventure. Doll number four said: When broken hearts are chosen to receive the gift from the Beyond. "What's wrong?" asked Morgo a bit confused, but Misfortune just giggled and said "Nothing." - "I saw and heard enough." said a voice. It was the Skull Lady, she was now standing next to Benjamin and everyone looked to her when she spoke. "If you both really want to use that magical way of connection, I have to authorize it first. But your true emotions convinced me. Let's go inside and we're having a ceremony about that covenant. They followed her into the grand hall. "Morgo, take a step closer!" said the Skull Lady and continued while Morgo came closer. "Me the guardian of this realm, want to give you the chance, that you can visit my realm and see Misfortune whenever you want. I don't want to deny you this right. You have really changed. But with the rights come duties. You have to promise, that you will do whatever you can do, to protect Misfortune's life, that you become a role model for her and always lead by good example." Morgo put his left hand on his chest and raised his right hand to shoulder height and said "I will promise!" The Skull Lady looked now at the girl and said "And Misfortune, you have to promise, that you will listen to him and you will do what he tells you." The girl didn't hestitate and answered "Yes, I promise!" Misfortune looked at Morgo and asked him excited "Are you...are you my demon daddy now?" Morgo begun to smile and said calmly "It seems that way, yes..." "Yeeesss! That's so awesome! Did you hear that, Benjamin?" asked Misfortune and took Benjamin's paws to perform a little dance with him. Benjamin was so happy for her. "Now I have two protectors on my side. Oh dream come true!" said Misfortune happily. After this ceremony, they celebrated a little party where they talked about all the things that happened in the last time. Misfortune said with a smile to Morgo "You asked me once, if I believe in magic...well, yes! I really do now." "I am glad you realized that, Misfortune."

It came the moment when Morgo had to go. But Misfortune was not sad anymore, because she knew they would meet again. "Don't forget, what I told you about the amulet, hmm?!" said the demon to the girl, while they hugged. "I will keep it in my mind like forever!" said Misfortune convinced. Morgo took a few steps to the side. Suddenly, his body begun to glow. He transformed. Where a good looking man stand few seconds ago, there stands now a big , impressive moose-like monster with huge antlers. "Wow, I almost forgot that you can do that...Huh...first you was just a voice and now you do that cool trick!" said Misfortune totally facinated. "I always told you, that I'm much more than that...well, bye for now, Misfortune." "Goodbye, Morgo! See you soon!" Morgo focused his energy and with a bang through the air, he disappeared. "Oooh...that was so fast...Now he's gone...well, we should go inside and take a little rest...I'm pretty tired." Benjamin nodded and they went inside.

" Benjamin nodded and they went inside

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