Chapter five: New ways_part 22

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The Skull Lady lead Misfortune, Benjamin and Morgo to the headquarter. Lil' Cutie was running ahead and was waiting in front of the gate. A swaying, narrow plate bridge made of rocks, leads to the headquarter- a rock-like building in the shape of a skull. As they were standing in front of the gate, it opended when the Skull Lady moved her arms. They stepped inside and walked down the stairs, when they suddenly stood in a big hall - the same hall where Misfortune became the chosen one and where she and Benjamin got their new scepters. Misfortune and Benjamin took now off those scepters and belts and hanged them to a wall bracket. "I'll get the aid kit and you take a seat here." said the Skull Lady and she pointed on a bench, standing close to the wall. The three sat down on the bench and waitet. Lil'Cutie was tired from all the playing and running. She lay down in her basket and fell asleep. Misfortune broke the silence and asked Morgo "Do you want to know why the Skull Lady has an aid kit, when she is actually a skeleton?" asked Misfortune amused. "'s indeed a bit strange, so...yes, tell me!" said Morgo, now curious . "It'sbecause of me. Since I'm here, we have it. Once a weird little monster bit my finger, when we made a walk trough the Senersedee fields. But Benjamin saved me. Since that incident, the Skull Lady decided to have a first aid kit on hand, because I hurt myself pretty often." "Ah, I see...well, it makes sense now." said Morgo convinced. The Skull Lady came back with the aid kit and asked the girl worried "And you are really alright, Misfortune?" "Yeah, this time for once, I'm okay and now I want to help!" Misfortune, took the aid kit and opened it. The Skull Lady went to Benjamin and was looking for injuries on his leg. "Oh, I can see, Misfortune already helped you, there is still some glitter in your fur." said the Skull Lady and Benjamin looked sheepishly at the ceiling. "Your leg is a little bruised. You need some rest and it will heal quickly." said the Skull Lady and the fox nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Misfortune took some cotton pads and wound cleansing spray and tried to clean Morgo's injury on his left arm. "Ouch! That kinda burns!" Morgo winced a bit. "Hold still! You are a big demon, right?" said Misfortune and bandaged his arm. "So! I'm done. How is it?"asked the girl. "Oh, you did it well. Thank you, Misfortune." The Skull Lady looked at the three and said. "Ithink it's better when you all take some rest now. You had an exhausting adventure. You both know your rooms, but I want to show Morgo his room, where he can find some rest. Follow me!" she instructed again. And they followed her trough long stone corridors until they reached the bed room area. "There we are. Here you can take your rest. But don't forget, I'll keep an eye on you! This is my realm and my rules apply here!" said the Skull Lady very serious to Morgo. "Yes ,I...I got it. I will not make any trouble, I promise." said Morgo a bit annoyed and went into his room. "If you are hungry, in the kitchen is a meal preperared for you." said the Skull Lady and left the three alone. Misfortune followed Morgo into the room, but Benjamin decided to stay in the doorway. Morgo was looking around in his room. "Let's see, what do we have's a very plain and simple room...well, for a little nap, it will be enough." Misfortune began to giggle "You'll be taking more than just a nap, because the beds are so incredibly cozy and the pillows are so soft." The girl climbed up on a chair and pointed out of the window. "And the view from here is breathtaking." Morgo looked out the window and saw the vast, wild land of Senersedee. "Yes, you're right. It's a great view." said Morgo amazed. Suddenly Misfortune's stomach growled a little and she looked over to Benjamin and said "Oyy...I'm pretty hungry...are we going to eat something, Benji?" Benjamin tapped with his paws on his tummy and noticed how hungry he actually was. The fox nodded and Misfortune also asked Morgo "And what about you? Are you hungry too? Do demons actually eat?" Morgo looked down to her and said "Hmm...not all demons consume solid food...they only absorb energy, but in mycase, I can also eat ordinary food, but I'm not hungry in the moment. I will take my rest now." "Okay,so Benjamin and me go to the dining hall and eat something...and if you are hungry later, you go just down the stairs. You know the way?"asked the girl. "I think, I will find it." said Morgo, when he suddenly felt the embrace of the little girl. Misfortune hugged him softly and said "Goodnight and have a good rest." Morgo hugged her in return and said "Enjoy your meal and have a good rest later as well." Misfortune giggled happily and tightend the hug when Morgo winced, beause of the pain, he still had. "Ouchuuhgr..." Misfortune let go of him and Morgo put a hand on his aching chest. "Ooops, sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you...but that should be treated medically anyway." said the girl. "Ohuuhm, it's okay...I will bandage it myself and it will heal soon." "Hmm...okay...if you say so." said Misfortune and jumped down from the chair. She went to the door, next to Benjamin and turned around "But don't complain later, if it doesn't go well. We go now. Bye." Morgo was a bit surprised about this cheeky answer, but he only said "Good night, Misfortune." The girl waved to him, the demon waved back and then they left theroom and closed the door. Morgo was now alone in his room and he decided to look out of the window for a while. He thought about some things that had happen and he felt actually pretty satisfied about it, how everything went out. After a while he sat tired on his bed. Morgo took some bandages out of his vest pocket, which he had taken earlier from the aid kit. He took of his vest and shirt and begun to bandage his upper body. The demon was still angry about Benjamin. In their first fight, the fox hit his chest and knocked him out and when they met again he hit his arm. "How was it possible, that he could actually hit me with his toy scepter?" he thought. But the demon doesn't want a revenge. He knows how much the girl likes the fox. Morgo doesn't want to risk anything that could ruin everything, because he likes Misfortune too much for that...she trusts him now and this makes him very proud and happy. With these thoughts he turned off the light, lay down and soon fell asleep.

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