Chapter three: A new adventure_part 10

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And there they were now, in this mysterious realm –The Beyond. Benjamin has never been here ever before. He only heard about it in his lessons at the University of Senersedeest Technology, but not much was confirmed. All what they had were speculations and myths. But Benjamin was not surprised. His imagination was close to, what he saw now. They made some steps on the dusty ground and Misfortune turned around - the gate to Senersedee was already disappered – but she saw a wide dark land with its rugged rocks in the distance, in whichever direction she was looking now. She was a bit scared about the enviroments and made a step closer to Benjamin. Suddenly, Benjamin startled when he was looking into the sky. He saw a new swarm of crows flying in their direction. Benjamin took Misfortune's hand and drew her for cover behind a rock. They layed both flat on the ground while the crows came closer and closer. Then, what they wanted to avoid happened, they were spotted by a deep flying crow. The crows were flying now nervously around Misfortune and Benjamin in the air, but not as expected, they didn't attack. They just remained there and focused our heroes. Benjamin was about to shoot at them some light rays with his scepter, but Misfortune interrupted him and said "Benjamin stop it, you will hurt them! I know, Morgo knows our position now, but we can't defeat all the crows. I also think they can show us the way to Morgo's hideout, if we follow them...I actually believe, this is what he wants...that we fall into his trap, but so we have to pay attention!" Benjamin looked surprised at Misfortune. That was indeed a clever idea...without violence. For a short moment, they saw a transparent shape of a man with red glowing eyes and amulet in the sky. They were shocked and confused. Was that Morgo? For sure, the eyes and the amulet reminded of him, but at the end, he looked very different in their memories...he was a monster and not a man. They didn't longer waste time with these thoughts and went in the direction, where the crows came from and so both went on a journey into the unknown.

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