Chapter four: The demon's fall_part 14

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There was an oppressive silence, when Morgo's gaze wandered from Misfortune to Benjamin and he began to speak with the same ironic undertone to Benjamin "Well, the last time when we met, you may incapacitated me, fox - but I'm not angry at you...No, I'm actually very thankful. After my recovery, I feel so much better and stronger than ever before. I'm also glad, that you brought Misfortune with you. Now, I have two test objects at once, to try out my new strenght!" That was enough for Misfortune. She jumped out from behind of Benjamin and he had some troubles to hold her back. "Please Benji, let me go! I want to kick him in the balls!" said Misfortune, but Benjamin still hold her arm. Misfortune began to shout angrily at Morgo. "You monster! You already killed so many innocent victims, just for your amusement...I...I trusted you! I thought you are my friend, but you are nothing more than a lousy liar!" Morgo laughed. "Oh, is that so? In my opinion we had a lot of fun together, or not? Also, I have to admit, that you are a very special child...brave and clever and something else, that I can't figure out. But at the end you didn't want to play with me my beautiful games anymore. I really wanted to give you the Eternal Happiness, but you left me no choice. Your false courage let you fall now into your ruin!" Misfortune was angry and sad at the same time. Benjamin still had some troubles to hold her back and she continued yelling at Morgo. "You're talking silly stuff, but your dirty games are over now! Don't think that we will make it easy for you. Benjamin and me are very good team and good fighters! I know, that you saw our glorious victory against these creatures back there and you will end in the same way!" Morgo laughed again. "Oh yes, I saw it and it was really impressive. But I have to tell you, that you wasted your energy. You say my games are over now? - They just have begun!" With these words the enviroment began to blur and to fade away and it took shape of the place where Misfortune and Benjamin started their journey. "Oh no, what happened now? Why are we back at our starting point?!" They looked nervously around and they really were back, where they started. Morgo laughed nasty about them and yelled "Isn't it a wonderful game?! My realm, my playground, my rules! Did you really think, I would show you the way to my realm? What a pathetic thought!" Benjamin and Misfortune were so confused, they could not believe it. "And what about the creatures and the steep slope?" asked Misfortune. "Everything was a perfect illusion!" said the demon complacently. "But it felt so real...He really lured us into a trap. Damn, we should have noticed it already, when we saw the image of that strange man in the sky." said Misfortune thoughtfully. Morgo looked at them arrogantly. "What a dissapointment. You are maybe not so clever as I thought. How could you forget that I can deform the reality?" asked the demon with a cold tone. Misfortune suddenly felt hopeless about this situation. "That's not fair! We took so much on ourselves to get here. It was so exhausting. How can we defeat him, when he has such power?" She was torn from her thoughts, when Morgo began to speak again. "I have another question for you. Do you remember what the fortune teller told you in Phantasmagoria?" Misfortune could clerarly hear the words in her head now, which the fortune teller once said to her.

"Once you see The Beyond, The Beyond sees you. And you will be sure it will be coming for you. What you see in The Beyond is not what you see, but what you don't see."

"Yes, I remember. But what is the point?" asked Misfortune. "Let me explain it to you." said Morgo. "It was actually very obviously, what you would expect here. You can't trust your own eyes and you can't defeat me. I'm here in my element! But I make you a deal. I give you the chance to surrive, if you change to my side...well, the fox is useless to me, but I can make a very strong parasite out of you. It is your destiny, Misfortune!" Misfortune was shocked and confused. How could he suggest something like that to her?

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