Chapter five: New ways_part 23

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It was actually pretty late already, but Misfortune and Benjamin were very hungry and so, they went to the dining hall. And like the Skull Lady said, there was a meal prepeared for them in the kitchen. They took a plate and sat down at the table in the dining hall. It was delicious. But Benjamin was glad that there weren't any mushrooms, because after his last tummy ache, he became a little more cautious. While they were eating, Misfortune begun to speak. "It's so nice of you, to accept that Morgo is here now." But Benjamin just grumbled a little and went on eating. Misfortune continued "I know, you don't like him so much, but I'm pretty sure we will have a lot of fun together. Just give him a chance, hmm?" Benjamin was choking on a rice corn, but after taking a sip of water to flush down, he nodded. "I knew, you are a good foxy boy, Benji!" said Misfortune happily. Benjamin just stared sheepishly at his almost empty plate. After they finished eating, they went to their sleeping rooms. They were standing on the stone corridor andMisfortune said "Now, I'm really tired. We had a great adventure, but this little lady needs a beauty sleep now! Good night, Benji." she giggled and gave Benjamin a hug before she went in her room. The fox stood there for a moment and then decided to go to his room as well. As she arrived in her room, Misfortune decided to look a bit out of the window and thought to herself "Yes, it was really a great adventure. I made new friendships with Lil'Cutie the dog, Rodrigo the fish, Benjamin the cute fox, and even Mr. Voice uhmmm...Morgo, a parasite from the Beyond, who just needs some friends. He was lonley for the longest time, but now he has us. But still, I miss my home. My room with all my toys...and mommy and daddy...also when it was not always easy. But I can't go back. In their world, I died in a car accident."Watashi no koto o wasurenaide!" Misfortune startled when she suddenly heard a voice, a familiar voice. Behind her appeared a boy with a cowboy hat and an alien mask. The girl turned around and squeaked happily "Hiro! Oh, I'm glad to see you! How are you?" But the boy just repeated "Watashi no koto o wasurenaide!" Misfortune was confused. "What do you mean? Do you need something?" But at that moment, the boy disappeared again. "Huh weird...I'm pretty sure he wanted to tell me something important. But I 'm so tired...maybe it was just my imagination. I better go to bed now." She put on her pajamas and crawled under the blankets. She turned off the lights and cuddled with her soft unicorn plush. For a last time she repeated in her mind, what Hiro said, before she eventually fell asleep. Also Benjamin was laying in his bed, thinking about what happened so far. He thought about how cool and powerful his new scepter actually is. He also thought about what a good team he is together with Misfortune and that their friendship became even stronger. As for the demon, he is still worried, but he just need to trust Misfortune...that's the only thing he can do now. He was actually really proud of Misfortune and himself that they could defeat him for a second time. But he's not so proud for the fact that they broke the rules - to bring Morgo with them to Senersedee. Nevertheless, he hoped that everything will be fine from now on and that they will experience new adventures. Benjamin was so tired from all what happened and fell eventually asleep.


Watashi no koto o wasurenaide.

Don't forget about me.

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