Chapter four: The demon's fall_part 15

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Everything went differently than expected. Also Benjamin could not understand what was going on here, but he decided to wait and see how this situation unfolds. "So Misfortune, what is your decision?" asked Morgo impatiently and added "I promise, I'll let the fox alive, if you join me. You can't run away from your destiny!" Misfortune became very angry and shouted at the demon "You lied to me once and you will always lie to me. I don't listen to you anymore. My destiny is to be a protector, to save innocent souls and not to be a murdering monster! I will never join you!" With these words her anger outstripped her and gave her enough courage to attack Morgo. She took her scepter and shot some energy rays into his direction. The demon dodged with success. "Hey! what do you think you're doing?" asked Morgo surprised. Benjamin was surprised as well, but he fast stand next to Misfortune to help her, if she would be in trouble. Not as expected, Morgo didn't fight back, he only dodged. "Oh no, I can't hit him...he's to fast!" Misfortune stopped the wild shooting. "Not bad Misfortune, but you need more practice in aiming. But I actually can see some potential! Too bad, you don't wan to join me." "I only want to use my energy for the good things!" said Misfortune confidently. "How boring. I will show you how much fun it can be, to be evil. Now it's my turn!" said the demon arrogantly. Morgo raised his arm and Benjamin was still in his fighting position, but suddenly a magical bubble begun to enclose the girl and she was floating to Morgo's direction. "What are you doing? Let me free! Benjamin help me!" yelled Misfortune and drummed with her hands against the shell of the bubble. Benjamin ran after her and he was about to shot at Morgo, but Morgo stopped his plan when he said "Don't come any closer fox, or she will suffer!" Benjamin felt helpless, but he decided not to come closer. He was not sure, if the demon would really hurt Misfortune, when he would try to rescue her. Morgo enjoyed his triumph but Misfortune was very unhappy with her miserable situation. "Let me free, I'm not a trophy!" The demon's gaze wandered to Misfortune. "Why so upset, Misfortune? Why do you fear so much, to become a demonic parasite? I assure you, it is a great feeling to control and manipulate things." Misfortune didn't search long for an answer. "I don't want to become an ugly monster, like you!" Morgo laughed. "Oh, is it just because of the apperance? Well, I can show you a nice trick!" Morgo's body begun to glow and the shape of his body changed from a moose-like monster to a human form. He wasn't so tall as before, but his current appearance was still an imposing stature. His look changed a lot. Now he had black spiky hair and a pale, grey skin. He wore black pants and a dark blue vest over his black shirt, decorated with a dark purple silk scarf. Only the glowing red amulet, which was attached under the shirt collar could remind of the earlier appearance. The same applied to his eyes, glowing with an intense red, outlined by deep black rings, as if he hadn't gotten enough sleep in a long time. Misfortune and Benjamin were confused, but they recognized him. "You are that strange man, which we saw already in the sky?! Is that an illusion again?" asked the girl perplexed. "I'm here in front of you, in flesh and blood." clarified Morgo. "But why do you show us that? Just to demonstrate, that you are not an ugly monster?" asked Misfortune even more confused. "Well, I want to convince you, what great opportunities you have as a demonic shapeshifter. Also, I don't need my full power, to fend off a weak fox and a little girl. I already feel very strong in my normal power level state." said Morgo confidently. "But the last time, Benjamin was stronger than you and he knocked you out!" "That was just luck! But this time, I'm can't beat me with these silly sticks...they are just toys." said Morgo with a smirk. Misfortune felt uncomfortable about her situation, still being in the bubble. "Damn! You better don't underestimate us, fricking demon! Is this how you treat a little lady? Let me finally free or Benjamin will finish you again!" "I already told you so many times, watch your language, Misfortune! "Little ladies" don't say such things!" said Morgo annoyed. "Oh no, you better should watch!" Misfortune pointed on Benjamin, who had enough from all the nonsense. Morgo was to distracted, to notice, that Benjamin prepeared his scepter, to finally attack the demon. Morgo looked at Benjamin and was pretty surprised. "WHAT?!"

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