Chapter four: The demon's fall_part 13

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Suddenly everything was quiet. The crows which followed our heroes all the time on their way through the Beyond, were flying now away. They reached the magic wall and flew through, as if there was nothing. "It seems, that we are really there now. Morgo ordered his crows back, because he can see us now without them?! I don't like it. Yikes forever!" said Misfortune a little bit panicked and annyoed at the same time. Benjamin also made a little gulp sound by that imagination. It was like the calm before the storm. "We really need to pay attention, he could lure us into a trap. Huh, that's weird...I could swear, this building with the magic wall was more further away, when we were standing on the edge of the precipice earlier." said Misfortune confused and sceptical. The strange place was as far away like two soccer fields are long and so they masterd the last few meters of the way. They focused on their surroundings, but nothing happened when they were walking straight into the direction to Morgo's realm. They reached these mysterious magic wall, flooded with dark energy. Benjamin was standing pretty close to it and studied it with his eyes and he raiesed his paw to tell Misfortune that she rather shouldn't come closer. He took his scepter and looked at her. Misfortune understood and took her scepter as well. "So we try to create a gate with our scepters to get inside? Okay, let's do this!" They reaised both up their scepters and it was pretty difficult to handle the strong, dark energy. They concentrated their powers as good as possible and finally they created a hole in the wall. Sparks flew wildly around, when the gate grew. It was now big enough for both of them to pass through. Misfortune and Benjamin didn't think about it for long and jumped trough the gate, which immediately closed when they reached the other side. It was now cold, foggy and pretty dark, but their scepters gave them a little guiding light. They could see now hundreds of crows with red glowing eyes, sitting on the rugged stones. The girl and the fox went a little further, when they noticed in a very dark corner, another pair of red glowing eyes, bigger and glowing more intense. It came slowly closer with heavey steps and Benjamin and Misfortune startled. In the light of the scepter they could gradually make out the shadowy outlines. They also noticed a red glowing amulet and everything looked familiar to them. The creature came close to the dim lights and now, they could clearly see the huge body of a creature, which looks like a human-moose hybrid with large antlers, wearing a long cloak that reached the floor. The creature stopped few meters in front of them and said calmly. "So we meet again. Welcome to my realm." After a long journey, Misfortune and Benjamin faced the parasite Morgo again. "Hello Misfortune, I see you became a brave protector, like the fox...Interesting." said Morgo with an ironic undertone in his voice. Misfortune hid a bit behind Benjamin and he was ready to attack, if Morgo would come closer. So they stood there and waited for each other's next action.

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