Chapter five: New ways_part 18

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Everything was quiet, only some crows flew over our heroes heads. Misfortune and Benjamin were standing at the fighting ground, where they just defeated the evil and dangerous parasite Morgo. Misfortune was not able to say something, she was a bit shaking . She was confused by all the things, that just happened. Benjamin gave her a tight hug before he decided to check out the situation. Slowly he went over the rocky ground, to get closer to the demons lifeless body. He took his scepter and was ready for the case, that Morgo could suddenly jump up and attack him, but he remained motionless on the ground. Misfortune slowly followed Benjamin and asked with a trembling voice " he dead now? Did I...kill him?" Benjamin took a deep breath and with his scepter he poked the demon in the side - no movement - nothing. "Oh no, I really killed him!" Misfortune didn't know, how to handle her emotions and she started a soft crying. She tried to calm down herself. "I did it for all the innocent children...I hope their souls are in a better place now. But...but I still think that he wasn't evil...he was just broken." Misfortune looked at Benjamin and some tears ran down her cheeks. "We can't just leave him here...we should grant him the final rest at least." Benjamin nodded and he was about to look for a good spot for the grave in this rocky environment, when they suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Hey, wait a minute, before you bring me underground!" It was Morgo and he really was still alive. He was very exhausted, but alive. Benjamin was shocked and Misfortune looked at the demon with wide eyes, as if she saw a ghost. They didn't know what to do now, they were to perplex. Benjamin drew Misfortune some steps back and he grabbed his scepter - ready to attack- but, the demon only straightened up a little and with a heavy breath, he began to speak. "Uh...I'm...I don't know how much time I've left, but I need to tell you some last things, Misfortune!" Misfortune was afraid, but she felt, that it wasn't a trap and so she went a bit closer to Morgo, to hear what he wanted to say to her, because he really had troubles to speak louder. Trembling, she knelt down beside him and also Benjamin came a bit closer. The demon started to speak. "You...really knocked me out...impressive!" He smiled a little and continued. "Also, I could hear, what you said earlier...and after all what happend...after all what I've done to you... you still want to grant me the final rest...even more impressive, but I don't deserve it and uh...I was literally a cruel monster. My demonic instincts let me made all this terrible things...they took control over me. I really wouldn't have been able to become a good guy and uhh..." Misfortune used his breathing break to interrupt him. "Beside your demonic instincts, you really had some good just have to give it another try and you'll see, it feels very good to do the right things!" "Misfortune...listen to me..." continued the demon. "I really enjoyed the time, we spent awoke feelings in me, which I have already forgotten for a long time...this makes you so special...only you made you know it." "Only me?" asked the girl surprised. "Yes , and...- Aaargh!" He began this sentence, but the pain in his chest and arm intrerrupted him. Misfortune looked at Benjamin "We need to help him, his wounds need to be tended!" Benjamin was not sure about this situation. They took so much to themselves to get so far, to defeat the demon and now, they give him another chance? He was just to think about it, what they can do, but Morgo didn't give him the opportunity, when he said "Don't care about me...I want to be honest...I lost too much power...I never came back to my full strenght...the time was to short to recover completly...I still suffer from the first attack....It was just all a bluff...I wasn't even able to hold up my monster stake was to high...I think...I will not make it." gasped Morgo, getting weaker and weaker. "Don't say such things! We'll find a way to get you back on your feet!" said the girl desperately and started to cry. "Don't cry, Misfortune." said Morgo calmly. " My games are over now... you reached your goal. You're brave and, why do you cry at all?" asked Morgo, when he gently wiped some tears from her cheek. But new tears filled her big, brown eyes. "Because, I'm a little lady, you know? And little ladies are allowed to cry sometimes...even when they are brave and strong. And I also feel sorry for you. I wished so much that it had turned out differently - in a good way." "Me too..." Morgo quickly replied. "I know, there is no apology for the things I've done, but I'm still sorry for what happened ... I hope you can accept it anyway." Misfortune looked at him and said "Yes, I will accept it!" Also Benjamin was okay with that. It sounded sincere to his ears. Morgo smiled at Misfortune and reached for his amulet on his shirt collar, which started to glow faintly." Uugh...I want to give you amulet...You can have it, if you want...Don't worry, there is no dark magic inside anymore." Misfortune was surprised. "No, I don't want it! It belongs to you! I only want that you finally get up!" Her tears ran down again , but the demon was to exhausted and he slowly leaned back on the ground. "You can change your mind later, but actually I wanted to give it to you personally..." "What do you mean?! Stop that! Everyting will be fine! We can take you with us to Senersedee. Maybe the Skull Lady can heal you!" said Misfortune to convince him, but Morgo ignored it and said instead "I think, you better go now...uugh...I told you all what I wanted to tell you..." "I will not let you here alone, you need help!" said Misfortune determined. "I wouldn't have told you all of these things, if it's not really my end. Go now!" said Morgo with the same determination. Benjamin grabbed gently the girls shoulder, to make it clear to her, that it would be better to leave now. Morgo lay there quietly, breathing very slowly. "Oh Benjamin...I can't believe, that he don't want our help. But I guess, I have to accept it?" Benjamin looked sadly at her and nodded. "Alright! But it's not up to me...I have no choice and this makes me really sad." "Wait....aargh...I have one last question." gasped Morgo heavily and raised his head a little to see Misfortune. "What is it?" asked the girl. "Did you trust me?" Misfortune didn't hestiate to answer "Maybe not always before, but now I did and I still do!" said Misfortune with tears in her eyes. "Thank you...Misfortune!" Morgo replied heavily, but calm and he bowed his head again to the ground. The girl just said with a trembling voice "You're welcome, Morgo! You had a great personality and somehow you was a good guy at the end. I really wish, I could have give you some happiness. I will never forget you...Well, we go now...bye..." But the demon didn't answer. Misfortune waited a little, but when she realized, that the amulet stopped to glow and Morgo didn't give any reply at all, she looked afraid at Benjamin and asked him hesitantly "Did he he gone now? I mean, is he somewhere else now?" Benjamin hugged her tightly and Misfortune pushed herself in his arms and cried into his fluffy-foxy fur. They stood there for a while and calmed each other down, but Misfortune had one more thing to do before they actually would grant him the final rest.

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