Chapter six: Happy Ending_part 24

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It was early in the morning, when Morgo woke up. He got dressed and left his room for a little walk through the rocky building. He found at the end of the corridor a balcony and went outside. He looked over the wide land, took a deep breath and thought to himself  "It feels so strange to be here. When I think about it more closely, I don't belong to this world here...but I have to wait and see how things turn out." After some minutes, he went back inside and for a moment he thought about to look after Misfortune, if she was awake already. But he decided it wasn't a good idea to wake her up in the case she was still asleep. Instead he decided to find the dining hall first. Maybe Misfortune and the fox were already there..."Ugh...that fox!" he grumbled to himself. So he went on his way and he hoped to find the right way by chance, because he didn't want to ask someone. On the way he didn't meet anyone anyway, which was fine with him. Suddenly, Morgo smelled something. The fragrance of fresh-cooked coffee was in the air. He was wondering who drinks coffee here. Maybe the fox? Secretly he hoped, that this fox wouldn't give coffee to Misfortune. She was already a very active and lively child. He followed that invisible trail and was standing now in the doorway to the dining hall and like his feeling told him, Misfortune and Benjamin were already there, doing already breakfast. "Hey! Good morning. Are you finally awake?" said the girl happily when she saw Morgo. "Good morning, Misfortune. I...uhm...I'm actually already awake for a long time, but I took a little walk." said Morgo. "Alright! But I guess, you are pretty hungry now, come and sit down with us!" said the girl. "Yes, I could need a good breakfast now." said Morgo and sat down at the table. "Here is some coffee, which Benjamin cooked...Do you want some?" Morgo looked suspiciously at the coffee pot. "He didn't add any poison! It's fine!" tried Misfortune to convince him. "How do you know that?" asked Morgo a bit confused and even more suspiciously. "I saw how he cooked it and I also drank it too. I'm a little lady, you know?" " I feared it already. Look Misfortune, coffee is not good for children. You should better stay with your cereals and milk. And by the way, the fox should have known it better!" said Morgo, while giving Benjamin a serious and annoyed gaze. "But I'm a little lady and this is what ladies drink!" said Misfortune quite convinced and self confident. "Okay, fine. But I warned you!" said Morgo, when he poured coffee into his own cup. Misfortune took her cup and sipped some coffee, but immediately grimaced. "Beeeh!" she stuck out her tongue a little. "Yep, yep...this is what ladies drink!" said the girl and grimaced her face more and more, as she drank the bitter drink. Morgo smiled at her and begun to chuckle. "Oh Misfortune, I don't know where you learned that, but I can assure you, you might be as well a little lady, if you drink tea." "Huh, really? Hmm...well, it was really not that tasty on my little tounge...Beh! Yikes forever!" said Misfortune and put her cup back on the table. "You see? I guess, you learned something useful." said Morgo when he gave another gaze to Benjamin, but now with a wide, smug smirk. Benjamin just rolled his eyes, because he knows that he didn't give the coffee to Misfortune. The girl knew it very well, that she was not allowed to drink coffee, but she filled her cup in a moment when Benjamin didn't see it. To do forbidden things is so much fun - it's a well known fact. But now, Misfortune felt a bit uncomfortable. Not only because of the bitter drink in her tummy, also because Morgo scolded Benjamin, when it was not actually his fault. So the girl said a bit sheepishly "I'm so sorry, Benji. I shouldn't just do forbidden things behind your back." Benjamin forgave her quickly. He actually saw no reason to be offended about this any longer. And Morgo just spoke the final words to this topic "Very mature of you to tell the truth, Misfortune!" "Thank you." said the girl with a little giggle. And so they finished their breakfast without further incidents.

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