Chapter four: The demon's fall_part 17

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Misfortune ran over to the place, where Morgo and Benjamin shot energy waves at each other, but both with no success - they were evenly matched. Benjamin noticed Misfortune and was happy to see her. He hoped for some assistence against the demon. Morgo was about to attack Benjamin, but he stopped when he saw the girl. "Misfortune?! I can see you could free always surprising me!" But she just looked at both and yelled "STOP FIGHTING!" Benjamin looked at her in confusion and Morgo was surprised again. "Stop? Now when it starts to make fun? I'm so close to finally get rid of that fox...I don't think about to stop! Or did you change your mind and you want to join me now? You better should do, before..." Misfortune fastly interrupted him "I told you already, I will never join you! But maybe you should think about, to change the side!" Benjamin looked at Misfortune with wide eyes, as if he wanted to say "Have you lost your mind?" Also Morgo could not believe what he heard. "What? Me? Become a good guy? How do you come to this thought?" asked Morgo totally confused. "Because I think, you weren't always like this, but you've been alone for a pretty long time now and you actually want some company. The lonliness in The Beyond made a loner out of you and I actually feel sorry for you." Morgo looked at her in disbelief and said "That's the biggest nonsense, I've ever heard, Misfortune! I don't need such feelings and you don't have to feel sorry for me at all! Also, I don't need any company, I'm very fine on my own!" Misfortune didn't give up yet. "But why did you try to kidnap me twice, for playing your game "until the eternity" or to make a parasite out of me?" Morgo didn't hesitate to answer. "Well, I have to admit, I was a little bit bored - so I came up with this game, where you can find the Eternal's what every human wants." "Isn't that, what you want too? I mean, some happiness?" asked Misfortune forcefully. "What do you mean? I told you already, I don't need such feelings! I'm a demon and not a human! Said Morgo with a cold tone in his voice. "You also called me a "very special child". Why? What is so special about me? And why do you want to make a parasite out of me at all?" wanted the girl to know. "This is none of your business! Also, you already asked to many question. You start to annoy me with your nonsense!" said Morgo annoyed. "So don't say such things and keep it to yourself! Anyway, I still think you should try, to be a good guy - I mean, you wouldn't be alone anymore and..." "BE QUIET! Enough with the small talk!" interrupted Morgo Misfortune angrily and began to form a huge energy ball in his hands. Benjamin suspected it all along, that Morgo would break out like a vulcano, if something does not work like he wants and Misfortune made him even angrier, by the try to turn the tables. "This is still my game, you can't just simply change the rules! But still, a nice try, Misfortune!" said Morgo with an arrogant smirk. It must have been something what Misfortune said, that triggered something in him. The demon was out of control. He shot that huge energy ball in the direction of Misfortune and Benjamin. The fox grabbed the girl's hand and ran with her away from the place where the energy would hit. The energy hit the ground and everthing was shaking. They could manage to escape from the dangerous zone, but a loose, blasted stone hit Benjamin's leg . "Are you hurt, Benjamin?" asked Misfortune with a trembling voice. Benjamin shook his head, to calm her down, but he felt a little pain in his leg. "Here, I still have some emergency glitter, so you feel better." And so she sprinkled a bit glitter over his leg and Benjamin smiled at her. Morgo on the other side was very angry - also about himself - he could not understand what happend. "How is that possible, that I couldn't hit them? Why are they so fast? And why I'm so out of breath?" gasped Morgo, feeling exhausted. When he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, he hold a hand on the painful spot. Misfortune looked for the next action of the demon. "He's really insane now...but, what? He seems to have some problems? He's gasping for air." Benjamin didn't care about it. He got up, took his scepter and charged it to create a powerful energy ray. He shot the energy directly at the demon. Morgo noticed it to late, when he was distracted by his sudden pain. He tried to dodge, but it brushed his arm. "AAARGH!" yelled Morgo, but he had no time, there came another energy ray to his direction. He created fast an energy wave with his uninjured arm, to keep away the attack of Benjamin. The energies collieded and everything was surrounded in bright light. Morgo was able to hold Benjamin's attack back and he always pushed him away any further. Benjamin tried all his best, but the demon was stronger. Misfortune could not just watch, how her foxy friend lose. She took her scepter as well and she stood by Benjamin's side to help him. Together they were firing two powerful energy rays at the demon and when Misfortune's energy supported the one of Benjamin it was to see that Morgo's energy wave went slowly back. "We can do it, we have to hold on!" said Misfortune confidently. Suddenly Benjamin lost his balance when he felt weak in his injured leg and now Misfortune was fighting alone. "Benjamin?! Are you alright?" asked Misfortune and Benjamin nodded at her, but he remained sitting on the ground. Benjamin felt, that it was not his fight. It was something what Misfortune had to do all by her own. She was the chosen one - it was her destiny. Once, he had his chance, but now it's her turn. "How pathetic. Not even together you were able to beat me and now you want to fight against me alone?" asked Morgo scornfully. "Benji, I'm not sure if I can do this!" Misfortune looked at Benjamin uncertainly, but he just nodded and smiled to her. The girl felt really motivated now and gave all her power to the scepter, all the energy was floating into it and she yelled at the demon. "Hey, you always wanted, that I focus - now I'm totally least one thing you taught me...I actually really enjoyed our time, we spent on the journey, when we searched for the Eternal Happiness and I really wished, I could give you some happiness - for your cold heart." "Spare me your talk!" said Morgo angry. "I'm tired of hearing your nonsense all the time. I was always to nice to you, but now let's finish this! " Morgo brought up all his power and fired his energy at Misfortune, but the girl did the same. Misfortune didn't give up and it really looked like that her energy slowly begun to take over Morgo's energy and pulled his energy wave always further away. Benjamin was perplexed and didn't want to trust his own eyes. Misfortune's scepter begun now to create a brighter energy, that was surrounded by sparkle. Morgo was confused. He could not understand what happend. "No, I won't lose to a little girl!" No sooner he had said it, Misfortune's energy became another boost and finally aimed it's goal. He screamed, when he was hit directly and his full body was surrounded by this sparkling energy and it whirled up the dust. Misfortune stopped, when she was sure, it was enough. She was pretty exhausted, but happy. "I...I did it? I really did it? I've won?" Benjamin and Misfortune hugged tightly each other and together they were looking to the spot, where they last saw Morgo. When the dust setteled down, they could see him – he didn't disappear like the first time, when Benjamin was fighting against him back at Misfortune's house – he just laid there...lifeless...not moving any part of his body.

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