Chapter four: The demon's fall_part 16

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Misfortune made a good job in distracting Morgo, when Benjamin could meanwhile charge his scepter

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Misfortune made a good job in distracting Morgo, when Benjamin could meanwhile charge his scepter. Benjamin was aiming into Morgo's direction. "No! I won't let that happen!" yelled Morgo and jumped in the air, shortly before the energy ray of Benjamin's scepter could hit him. Misfortune screamed in her bubble, but she was not in danger. "That was close...Are you crazy, fox? Do you really want to risk, that you also could hit Misfortune?" yelled Morgo, sounding almost worried. But Benjamin's plan to make a distance between Morgo and Misfortune worked. Now he was able to shot larger energy rays with full power at Morgo. He shot one after another at the demon, but he always dodged. "Now it's over, fox!" Morgo had finally enough. He ordered his crows to attack Benjamin, when he formed in the same time in his hands red glowing energy balls and shot them at the fox. Benjamin was able to create a bright light with his scepter, which blinded the crows and they were falling from the sky. Benjamin had enough time to dodge from that red energy balls, which came very fast to his near, but they closely missed him. Misfortune saw in the distance the fight of Morgo and Benjamin. Suddenly, she felt sad and a bit hypnotized when she watched their fight and she was drifting away into some thoughts. Why to fight at all? What if Benjamin or she get hurt, or they would not win this fight? They would not be able to avenge the death of the children and Morgo would continue his cruel games. She really wished, there was another way - a better solution. But still, she wondered anyway, why Morgo wanted so much, that she changed to his side. He also didn't attack her, when she attacked him, as if he didn't want to hurt her at all. He actually never wanted that anything bad happens to her - at least, that's what he kept saying. Didn't he even yell at Benjamin and reacted somehow concerned, when Benjamin shot at him, pretty close next to Misfortune? The demon also called her a "very special child". But what is so different in comparison to the other children? Or was is just another lie? But her feeling told her, there was more to it. Misfortune was curious and wanted to find out. The demon and the fox were still fighting, when Misfortune cleared her mind and tried to get out of the bubble. She had an idea and luckily she still had her scepter. She tried to create a little gate, like they did it already before, when they wanted to enter Morgo's realm. The girl was really able to create a little hole in the shell of the bubble. "Yes, it's working! Just a little bit more!" The hole became bigger and Misfortune fell out to the ground. The magical bubble dissaperared and she was free.

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