.:Chapter 6:.

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Both Justin and I promise each other we would meet up at Death Park in Death City to go to the mission.

I sighed since I finish packing for the trip. So I had to want for him.. Dang. Soon it passed thirty minutes when I came. 'Wait.. Did Justin even listen to Lord Death..' I thought, knowing him, he can only read lips.. I sighed but unexpectedly I saw him walking down the sidewalk.

"(Name) I'm coming, sorry for being late." He said as he came closer to me. I raised an eyebrow. I scanned the teen in front of me. I felt something missing from the Justin I know. My eyes widen. His ear plugs. 'Where are them? I mean doesn't he have them twenty four seven?' I thought, sweat dropped. I decided not to mention that he didn't have the white and black skull ear plugs.

"So Justin, are you ready?" I asked, waving my hand in front of his face. He just nodded before running away to the appointed direction. I stood at my spot, eyes wide open. 'Weird.. Is this really Justin?' I thought before running after him, trying to catch up to him.

As I chased after the blonde, I found myself spotting a giant mossy stone gate, right on the outside of the town. 'Great..' I thought sarcastically. As each step I took, I feel this weird sense that someone or -something- is following us. I couldn't help glare a my surroundings as my feet continue to race through the thick shadowy forest that ANY could happen in a single strike.

"I'm here."

I stopped. 'I'm here?' I thought, imaging it to be my false hearing. But then again, where is Justin in a time like this. As I stood still, trees started swaying furiously as a few oak tree branches ripped of the trunk of the oak tree and literally almost whacked me in the face. 'That is going on here!' I thought, changing my right arm into my dark (c) katana blade. As I sliced right through each incoming branch, I realized something. 'Justin. If he isn't here, where the name of death is he! So does this always mean he's also sending logs at me too?! Not cool man.' I though, glaring at my surroundings finding if I could get some ideas or clues of what's going on.


As I sliced another log in half.


Now my left arm turned into a dark (c) blade.

'No! Wait! Yes! Over there!' I thought, as I spotted a crack in a pine tree. As I slammed my right armed katana into the crack, the crack increased in size and the crack started to glow.

"What the.." I mumbled as my arms turned back to normal and so the bright light engulfed me. I shielded my eyes from this unexpected turn of events. As the shimmer started to disappear, soon a broken old town appeared in front of my eyes. Weird. I slowly removed my arms from
my face, I saw a few deep foot prints that looks exactly like Justins. But that wasn't the only thing or -person- I saw.

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now