.:Chapter 19:.

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"Lastly, please promise me this: that you won't lose your lives. Is that understood?" He first said to me, before using the other two end speech to the rest of the group.

"Yes, sir!" Kid and Maka mimicked each other as Black☆Star gave a loud "Yeah!" to boot. "As the rest of the team walked forward, Maka's Demon Scythe, Soul, just glared at me and whispered "Can you even fight? Newbie?". I moved in a little. "Yeah. Unlike you, I don't need a miester. On top of that, I'm a Death Scythe too. Jelly?" I whispered back as a tint of annoyance spread to his blood red eyes. "'Tch, big words for such a tiny girl." He said, looking at my almost flat chest. He soon smirked as he saw me flush a tint of pink. "What a perv.." I mumbled, looking away from him as I backed up after saying this. "At least I'm better than you from a far." He just 'Tch me as he blushed a bit. What a weirdo..

"A strategy meeting right in front of your enemy? I know what you have up your sleeves," Medusa said, viewing the finished discussion we just had. "Also, (Name). I hope this does not end up like our last battle." My right eye twitched as a mini vein popped up on he back of my head. 'Tch.. Cheeky itch of a bipolar--

"Oh? Well, you are the school nurse, after all." Stein cheekily said, cleaning his glasses with his spotless stitched lab coat.

"You're never at a loss for words. All right. Shall we begin?" Medusa said as the calm expression she wore turned into a dark one as she started a chant.

"Nake snake cobra cobra ra, Nake snake cobra cob bra.." She began, enhanting her powers as black arrows circled around her arms as her energy continued to surge.

"Listen. Don't worry about getting past her on your first try. An opening will present itself. Stay calm and collected." Stein spoke, instructing the three. As Medusa continued her enhantment, more arrows started to appear and dust began to rise off the ground.

"Here she comes!" Stein warned as she she took action. "Vector Arrow! Times Three!" Medusa shouted as her arms crossed and the arrows circled around her like a spinning top and soon spread outwards shooting across different spaces. "A perfect spell for keeping multiple people at bay. It's much more powerful than last time, too!" Stein said, directing the trio to go in.

Soon Black☆Star, Kid, and Maka--with their weapons came running down the path towards the centre point of where the arrows are first coming from. "Liz! If you get scared, just go to sleep!" Kid shouted to Liz as he was soaring pass the vector arrows like a boss. Absolutely amazing. All those flips and turns.. I need him to teach me how to skateboard like that. "O-Okay!" Liz nervously answered, feeling a bit reassured.

"I ain't gonna hold back! Tsubaki! Uncanny Sword mode!" Black☆Star shouted as black stripes appeared along his arms and face. "Right!" Tsubaki sai as she too, had the same stripes on herself. Wow? That's a first.

"Prepare to be punished, impudent boy!" Medusa shouted at Kid as all the arrows were redirected to him. "Death Slide!" Kid shouted, tricking through each of the arrows as he finally passed them all. "Alright!"

"We got through!" Both Liz and Patty cheered happily. "Maka! Black☆Star! I'm going on ahead!" Kid shouted to them, not wasting one second.

"Tsubaki!" Black☆Star shouted, hoping she would understand what he is gonna next. "Right!" Tsubaki responded as Black☆Star cut through all the vector arrows like nothing.

"Why, you--!" Medusa was interrupted. "Yahoo!" Black☆Star shouted happily as he also pasted through Medusa's furious attack.

"They've both made it through!" Stein said as he puffed out a puff of smoke from his cigarette. "Mm-hm." I agreed, as I nodded. Uncanny Sword mode? I wonder.. Maybe I'll ask him later..

"Uncanny Sword mode off! Let's hurry ahead!" Black☆Star said loudly as the stripes disappeared completely.

"Maka! Go after them!" Soul shouted in his weapon form. "Right!" Maka answered back as she continued to run right to Medusa. "All vectors to Maka!" Medusa commanded as all the vector arrows she summoned, followed her orders.

"(Name) I want you to focus and learn using this match. And if I'm right, you haven't seen her in battle. So I what you to support me and after a while help. Alright?" Stein said to me, grabbing my attention away from Maka and Medusa. "Mhm. Alright. But, becareful of her spells and don't be too cheeky." I advised him as he nodded. "I know." Stein replied as he intently watched her movements.

After a couple of time consuming seconds, Maka passed through the course as well. Nice job, Maka. "Amusing! You're not going anywhere!" Medusa running at Maka. Though.. With in a second and a half, Stein took action.

"Soul Force!" Stein shouted. An attack that uses his soul wavelength was compressed into a kind of weapon that causes damage interior. A-amazing.. Soon Medusa got sent a few meters back, as she quickly regain her composure.

"You're dealing with me." Stein said, dragging what attention Medusa had against Maka, towards him. Medusa then pulled back on her hood as she began to talk, staring into Stein's dull grey eye and my unfazed (e/c) eyes. "I miscalculated. To think all three would get past me.. But as long as I stop you three, this plan will still succeed. Those other three pose no problem at all. After all, two Death Scythes are here and the best Meister is here too." Medusa said as she smugly said, scanning us for any reaction.

"I wouldn't underestimate those children if I were you. Haven't you been paying attention during your time at DWMA? You must be a fool." Stein retorted back, looking at her as if she was his next dissection. "Juvenile boy. Well, no matter. The Demon Sword is waiting for them next." Medusa said to Stein in a gloating manner.

"Medusa. Seeing you in your nurse's outfit never ceased to excite me. I thought I would be the only one to strip you of that outfit--"

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now