.:Chapter 38:.

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Soul's Pov

I was unbelievably nervous. My teeth chattered in excitement. I began to walk in circles, letting my stress out. It felt like my heart would explode any time soon.

Happy Birthday [Name]. Her eyes stared at me. Gleams of [Eye colour] shone brightly. She was coated with the embarrassment of red. I returned the blush. My pale skin heating up involuntarily. Her arms wrapped around me with eyes soaked. Her hair puffed around her backside. She dug her face closer to me. I responded with the same gesture. Why was she was acting all cute now...

"Thank you, Soul..."

My face blazed in red as I began to increase my speed overtime.

Soon I heard a loud knock on my door followed by an extremely loud yell.

"Soul! Kid's here to talk to you!" I flinched as the door suddenly broke open.

"Oi," Kid said in him monotonous voice. There was a hint a jealously that ran in his voice. It laced perfectly with his demeanour. I sighed.

"Look [Name]'s mine. Don't try anything stupid Kid." My brows knitted with un-amusement. I laid at my lips as eyes stared at his.

He walked up to me and grabbed me by my collar. His grip was strong but had no feeling of anger.

"Be careful with her," He leans closer to me, "the moment you mess up, she's mine, dope."

I smirked. "Don't worry about that, I won't let her go. After all, she is the one I'll dedicate my life for and forever."

He let me go, his hands loosen. My collar were ripped out of his hands. "Good." He musters up a dulled smile. I felt pity for the guy.

He went though my dresser, looking for something. I froze. "Hey," I mumbled "what in the world are you doing?!" I saw his ears perk up.

"Helping you. She'll be over here in 15 minutes." He said. He threw some clothes at me. A fancy suit and coal coloured pants. Oh god.

•          •          •

"Just because we don't talk doesn't mean I don't think about you, I'm just trying to distant myself because I know I can't have you."

•          •          •

[Name] Pov

I knocked at the door. It didn't take long before I could hear a lot of chatter from the inside.






I sweatdropped. What in the world...

I see the door knob twist frantically. The door swings open revealing a dishevelled Kid in front of the rim of the door frame.

"Hey [Name]..!" He had the out of breath look. Hairs of black and bits of white relocating onto different places of his hair. I stared before chuckling.

"Hey Kid," I said, pointing to the top of my head, "it seems you enjoyed your time with Soul."

I felt strange saying Soul's name. A tingling feeling that was starting to spark embers in my chest. My rib cage felt like it could contain it any longer. It wasn't painful but still hurts.

I saw Kid's face started to beat red. He dashed back inside the house as he mumbled a few things about coming in Soul's and Maka's house or something.

I nodded and passed through the front frame. I could hear more noise coming from the interior rooms. I smiled. It felt so relaxing knowing that the city was getting back to normal. One way or another.

"Just go, it's fine!" I could hear an irritating Kid. There was a lot of squeaks coming from him. He was create more noise while whoever he was dragging. Maybe it was Soul...

I patiently waited for Kid to drag whatever he was holding out. So I stood there, hands deep into my pockets, eyeing the corridor that Kid disappeared of to.

As he reappeared, I could see the thing he was dragging along. Soul...
But he was rather stiff. The suit and tie that wrapped him in a hot mess. His hair was fluffy, undone by his restrictions. His pale face dosed in a peachy colour of pink. My eyes selflessly scanned the boy in-front of me. They analyzed throughly that probably made him rethink his whole plan.

"Yo Soul," I started, eyes refocused in his sockets that timidly looked at me, "what's with all of this?"

I could see the quiver in his eyes. Soon there was a cough as I see Kid grab Soul's hands, whispering in his ears. I could see the amount of confidence he gain as he walked to me. It was smooth and silent.

Soon he stood in front of me, giving me one of his rare smiles. It was soft, very natural but he stare was very loving. It warmed my heart in content.

"[Name]?" his very voice sounded melodic. It was "cool" in a way. Like I was listening to his specialty when he plays the piano. Jazz.

"Are you interested going out with me?"

I wasn't as surprised as I could've been. To be honest, it seemed like those scenes in romantic cliche moments. But it did have the same warm happy throb in my chest.

"Of course"

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now