.:Chapter 31:.

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I laid on my side.

My weapon form laid on the raven's body. From the slick blade of the katana, my eyes saw out his unconscious expressions. A relaxed expressionless face. He was fine. Finally over. I transformed into my human form.

I flushed bright red. I overextended my time with the wound. I could feel the blood leak, making a mess with my clothes. The patches of red muded the white garnet. But that was the least of my worries. When my limbs reconstructed the way it was before. I could imagine the look in Albino kun's face right now.

Pure weirdness.

I could feel hands linked with arms wrap around my shoulder. It was a gentle hug. I could feel hair bury beneath me, the head snuggled softly at my upper back—above my shoulder blades and near my neck. But it was clear of the level difference that he was bending himself a little.


I listen, his voice somehow calmed me down.

"Please get off of Kid."

I sweatdropped. I looked down, under me. My position was to say the least embarrassing. I turned red before lifting myself off the youth. I stood beside the albino. I faced him with a flushed face, outlining the embarrassing moment that had occurred.

A hand wrapped around my hip, drawing me closer to the albino. I grew red, holding in my embarrassment. But in the end, I couldn't. My face glows brightly like a fluorescent bulb.

His head was tucked nap of my neck. I stood still, letting his warmth engulf me. I guess he was scared.

It was a few silent moments later that Maka decided to interrupt. A decently loud cough erupted from her throat. It formed our attention to her.

"Come on," she spoke, "we shouldn't waste our time any longer." We all agreed, as we headed up towards the stairs. My body felt a little slow, but I knew overtime I would regenerate it back.

I took the lead, being the only one who could see in the building. The hard gritting that Patty and Liz gave off while trying to carry Kid in a symmetrical way. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

The steps creek loudly and uneasing-ly. There were fresh holes in the buildings with no other souls around. The dim of solar rays that tinted the shadows were threatening. This whole setting was shown as unease. I really regretted the decision to be the vanguard of the group.

Finally after minutes of easiness, we reached the top of the academy. I could see the huge wax candles in HD. It was unbelievable. Everything was so big that I felt like an ant. Comparing me to it was unfair.

Just like the duel of the two beasts that were engaging above get rest of us.

Death and The Asura.

I stood there in amazement. A legend that was from the past is floating right in front of me now. To say the least I was all stuck. Subconsciously, I moved back, legs dangling from danger.

In a second, I blinked.

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