.:Chapter 18:.

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"Welcome to the war, (Name)." She stretches her hand towards me. I glad accept the offer, as I shake her hand. "Thank you for having me." I said before Stein gave us the strategy layout. I could feel someone glare at me. But I just ward is off. I could sense it was the white haired dude.. Wonder what's his problem.. Soon we, as a group, started to run down the endlessly halfway before Stein stopped us.

"Listen up. There's no telling what will happen from this point on. It's best for you weapons not to return to your human forms. you could lose your lives in one blow." Stein said, looked at the weapons and then meisters.

"Right." Tsubaki, whos one of the many names I recently learn while running down the hall with them, answered cooly and calmly.

"'Kay!" Patty, the energetic blonde said in her weapon form as her older, Liz, just gave us a nervous "Y-yeah..". Though it wasn't as half bad then Soul's, he just gave a cold stare. Rude..

"Wait, they're lying in wait? Aren't they on their way to the Afreet?" Black☆Star questioned, looking at Stein for a short and simple answer.

"No, I doubt all of them are." Stein analysis as we all continued to look down the halls. Soon after Stein said that, Black☆Star flinched. I hear something..

"Hey. You hear something?" Black☆Star's childishness was quickly covered by all tense and seriousness.. Well a bit more that is..

"Huh? R-really? I hear it!" Maka whispered screamed to Black☆Star and the others. She was lost in confusion before she finally noticed it.

"Sounds like footsteps." Kid whispered, obviously not liking this sudden road block.

"So, they're finally showing themselves, huh?! Just who is it?!" Black☆Star questioned a bit too loud, as excitement filled his eyes.

"Calm down Black☆Star." I whispered to him, as a slightly glared at him. He just rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Someone confident that they won't lose against multiple opponents. Someone why can attack multiple people simultaneously and prevent them from getting through.." Stein said, clearly the foggy thoughts we all once had by his ingenious understandings. He's just like a commander.. Amazing. He easily picks one out of the handful. Kinda creepy.. But he understands the situation very well..

Soon walking out of the dusk hallway, came probably one of the most powerful-ist witch there is. "So, it is you.." Medusa said, her "gently" eyes glued onto me as the bloodlust show no fazed reflections in them. "Hmm." I muttered as I glared at her back. A disgusting itch you can't get rid of.

"All right, here's my basic plan. For the most part, we can anticipate how the enemy will act. Medusa will be their first roadblock. The Demon Sword will be the second barrier for those who get past. And the remaining two should be heading for the Afreet. The werewolf Maka ran into before is immortal and will be protecting the black blood at all costs. So, this is what we will do.. First, I'll keep Medusa busy. You four will rush past her as quickly as possible. Kid, you're the most mobile of our group. You'll go after the two heading for the Afreet." Stein stated, not caring if one of the enemy is right in front of them. "Understood!" Kid signalling he listened and understood his job in this situation.

"Black☆Star. You'll keep the Demon Sword busy so Kid, Maka and (Name) can get through. As you're able to perform soul wavelength blasts, you can give the Demon Sword a real walloping." Stein stated as he looked at Black☆Star for a response. "Yeah.." Black☆Star said as he gave Stein a thumbs up and his signature grin.

"For Maka and (Name), you two will get past Medusa and the Demon Sword and catch up with Kid, at which point you'll destroy the black blood." Stein said as he received a "Right." from Maka. Though I really don't agree with the plan.

"Wait a minute Stein, I should help keep Medusa busy as well." I said, turning my head from glaring to a serious one. Although not surprisedly, everyone but Spirit, Stein and--even Medusa looked at you crazily.

"Why would you do that, stupid? There is a reason why Stein assigned us different jobs in the first place." Soul explained as he tried to reason with me. Why would he try to stop me? I'm way stronger than him. Though.. He's probably doing it, trying to score points with me. Not happening.

"I have to agree with Soul this time, (Name). Stein is the most powerful meister we have here. So he's our best bet against  Medusa. (Name)." Kid stated, a calm yet slightly shaking eye pierces through my unfazed visage right at me.

"Hey (Name), you never told us if you are a meister or a weapon." Black☆Star obviously stated. So he does have a brain..

"Well, Stein is the powerful. That is true.. But my whole point of coming back to Death City is because I wanted to kill her. Anddd.. I'm a weapon." I responded to both of them as Stein leered at me, seeing any foggy lies beneath my cold exterior I seem to show.

After ages of his thinking process in his head, he spoke. "You may be right about that. (Name). I'll believe you for now. But I entrust that if you die in this battle. Just keep that in mind. Alright?

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now