.:Chapter 20:.

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"Medusa. Seeing you in your nurse's outfit never ceased to excite me. I thought I would be the only one to strip you of that outfit--


"Why did you punch my head, (Name)-chan?" Spirit whinnied, acting "innocent" or tried to. "Because you're very perverted, Hentai-san. Also please refrain adding the "-chan" behind my first name. Alright?" I said, giving him a death glare. I hate when people think I'm a girly girl. Jeez.

In the background, I could heard Stein chuckling as Medusa looked at us unchantingly. Then came Stein whispering something to Hentai-san. "I danced with her, you know." "Yeah, I saw! Damn you for beating me to the punch!" Hentai-san shouted, earning another bonk onto his head.

"Must you always joke when you're around me? It's repulsive." Medusa said, rolling her eyes towards the two "men". "Oh? It is?" Stein questioned, raised a bored yet intrigued eyebrow at her.

"Yes. That's perfect. I'll let you dance with me again like that." Medusa said as her soul wavelength began to increase drastically. "I'm afraid not. Not with your feet like that, anyway." Stein smirked as he confused Medusa realization hit her as she looked towards her stitched up feet. Sown right into the ground, rendering her quick movements useless.

"My feet! When did--?!" Medusa shouted as her power faded away. "Soul thread Sutures. My soul wavelength that I blasted into your body just a mimute ago still resides inside you, almost like an electric charge." Stein easily explained. "I manipulated that wavelength like thread to sew your feet down." "You're able to control it that precisely?" Medusa asked as her glare made it's way all the way to Stein cocky self. "A weapon doesn't just amplify a meister's wavelength." The weapon, Hentai-san, updated her as he popped out of his weapon form. "It's also possible to raise the accuracy of wavelength control." Amazing, so Hentai-san is acting smart, for once.

"So it's a technique only powerful meisters and weapons can pull off.." Medusa mumbled in distaste. "Medusa. I have only this to say to you." Hentai-san started as he began more stern and significantly consequential. "I'm the only Death Scythe in DWMA now." Oi oi oi.. Don't I count as one? I sweatdropped in irration. "If I allow the Afreet to be revive now, I won't be able to show my face around any of the other Death Scythes throughout the world." Hentai-san continued.

"In other words?" Medusa inquired. "In other words.." Hentai-san was cut off by Stein. "Your point is that we will prevail, right, Hentai-senpai?" Stein mocked Hentai-san as he finished Hentai-san's sentence off. "Wha-- Stein! Don't say the big line before me!" Hentai-san went back into full demon weapon form. "Medusa.. You're through!" Stein vociferate at Medusa, smirking a bit as he ran at her at lightning speed, ready to use another Soul Force. "Soul Force!" He dislaunched Medusa into the stone wall as blood surged out from her maw. "Sutures!" Soon she became wired onto the walls as Stein hurtled right at her. "Now to finish you!" This is way too easy.. "Stein! It's a trap!" I shouted at him. "Nani?!" Stein mumbled, still flying toward Medusa.

"This isn't the direction you're headed." Medusa smirked, speaking ordinarily. "Vector Plate!" Soon a giant red arrow was drawn onto the ground area that Stein was at, he got retaliated backwards as he stabbed the ground with the end of Hentai-san. "What happened?!" Stein grunted in pain as he slowly regain his footing. "Whatever is atop these plates get blasted in the arrow's direction." Medusa casually explained as one of her tattooed snakes peeled off her and broke the stitches. "The plates work on my too, of course." She landed onto one as she soar into the air. "Vector Plate!" She shouted as three more plates appeared. Bam! She kicked Stein's right cheek as he was sent flying. "I'm afraid of fighting you in lose quarters, you see." Medusa slyly said, smirking to herself. What is that witch planing this time? "Damn! Not again!" Stein grumbled in pain. "Now come-" "Switch!" I shouted as I transform my arms into katana blades, interrupting Medusa. I barely sliced her, only to sliced her fingertips a bit and a thin cut at her right cheek as Stein sowed himself onto the plate. Nice going Stein.

I quickly continued to slice bits and bits of her as I felt a great down pour of power flowing in her body, ready to be released. "Vector Storm!" She shouted as I flung myself, in full katana form, out of her domain. The dark arrows were raised up her feet as then spun around her like a tornado. "Good reflexes. I can see you improved. Slightly, that is." She said glaring off at me, while I did the same.

"Thanks.. I guess.. Stein, rest up for a bit, it's my turn to conterattack now."

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