.:Chapter 8:.

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As I charge into my prey, it's speed increased. My eyes widen but became focused again. 'Weird I thought zombies can't run, oh well.' I thought before stabbing right through it, leaving a red kishin soul behind.

"Well that was easy." I mumbled before looking at the all-strucked requester. He took off? "Where the heck did he go." I grumbled, as the sensation in the air turned colder. Weird. I heard a blistering in the vegetation. The nearby noises when closely monitored by my wolf like eyes. 'Where could it-' "There it is!" I cancelled my thought by my voice. As my bladed hand and I raced into the bushes, we heard a-


A dreadful noise came after the "me" before it could continue. With a moment to spare, I realized the voice could be the old man. Damn! I just let him wonder off like that. As pace to get to the died out voice took minutes, another cry of agony took place. I sped up, to find the skeleton of whatever died here.

As I examined the skull, I found out it was a man. Although this one was probably one of the town folks. I sighed the chances of getting mauled increased. Soon I picked up a couple of beautiful, untainted flowers and put them around the bones that remains. Poor soul. Everything was taken from him.

I sensed a bloodlust aura glaring at me hungrily, ready to strike at any moment when I let my guard down. Soon a deadly scream erupted as a cry was heard.


A more feminine voice spoke out loudly. I rushed to see who this mysterious lady could be. Thoughts after thoughts, situations after situations and probably problems after problems.

No matter what, I have a bad feeling after who I'm about to encounter.

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now