.:Chapter 39:.

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It was an extraordinary to say the least. Though the suit and tie really didn't fit in where we went— out on a mountain not too far from the city. It was quite and a cozy. He brought his own homemade food that Maki tried to tell Soul how to make them before realizing Tsubaki knew how to cook on a different level. We sat underneath the curtain that sewed bright gleams into the sky. Each one glimmered differently, some brighter, while others not so much. Some went as far as transport themselves into different areas of the darken canvas. It was so conveniently cheesy. There was a nice layout of a blanket that decorated the surface of the top of the mount. It laid there, passive against the sea of flourishing grass that rose up.

This was all happening with him right beside me. His heart throbbing glow. He was truly someone I want but felt so out of sorts that I cannot comprehend if he really loved me back. Was he attraction to me real or it is false, with the laced idea of disillusionment?

With the night sky high and our stomachs full of dinner, silence drifted carefully around us. We sat parallel to each other, overlooking the hill and valley that at some point will unravel the sun and all its glory. The idea of us didn't seem that bad at this point.

"[Name]," he starts off not too far off since the quiet welcomed us, "it's beautiful tonight isn't it?"

I just laughed. It was unknown to me that he kept staring at me, lovingly. Brows creased in arcs that matched his eye lid the shadowed his irises. "'Deed so."

He silently made his move. Slowly he got closer, wrapping his arms, cozyly. They were neatly surrounded by the blazer and dress shirt he wore. Compared to him, I was different, a long sleeve shirt dyed in red and plain jeans, more or less faded of it's original colour—blue.

"I'm glad to share this moment with you..." he mumbles, burrowing his head at the base of my neck. His eye brows tickled my skin while his hair was extremely soft and comfortable.

I sighed softly. He was warm. "Glad you feel the same." I could feel his lip form a smile as his hands cautiously wrapped around me. Despite them being timid, I surprised how bold that was. So cheesy.

"Ever thought about having someone," he started. I could see the night sky shadow him. It was giving him a cloak of mystery. "like someone who you can l... Love...?"

I raised a brow. He turned red, flustered as he awkwardly tries to talk himself out. "I mean it was more of a—"

"Yes I do," I said laughing at his try to escape his grave. I can see the embarrassment that couldn't be hidden all too well. Way to amateur like.

He looked at me strangely. "Really who?"

"Why do you want to know?" I eyed him in silence, "Thought it was pretty obvious by now."

Soon his hands attached onto mines, smoothing both the rough patches and soft patches of skin. He creases the bony knuckles to the slick nails of mines. He really is precious..

"It's you dummy..."

He looks at me with loving eyes, they were gentle and sweet. Unruly soft as they glow a magnificent colour of red. Those eyes stung the inner depth of me. Though he looked conflicted about something.




AN: This is the last chapter of this story. Thank you for sticking around despite who long it took to deliver. :) There will be a epilogue that will be uploaded on Saturday or Sunday.

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