.:Chapter 1:.

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Your POV:

"WOAH!!!" I shouted as a bright golden yellow aura surrounded me and glowed brightly, dazzling everything greatly. I could feel amends power flowing throughout my veins and body. The body of devouring countless Kishin souls and to top it off.. A witch soul to boot. I looked at myself as gashes and bruises were planted on my body after the immense fighting. Soon the strange glow disappeared along the injures too. That last fight was very difficult indeed but..


I earned the title of..

Death Scythe!

I smiled as I walked closer to the mirror and blew hot air on it. I swiped on the window the numbers: 42-42-564.

"Hey, hey, yo! What can I do for you weapon (Name)?" Lord Death, the comical voice reaper asked. With Spirit, moving clouds, sky blue skies, and crosses in the background. "Lord Death, I am here to report-" I got cut off by Lord Death. "Yes I know, you got your final witch soul.. CONGRATULATION!" He shouted as multicoloured confetti flew behind him. I smiled showing my wolf-like fangs. "So am I officially a Death Scythe?" I asked, as I saw Spirit and some young blond guy wearing skull earplugs in the background too. "Yes I does and (Name) you are officially the youngest female Death Scythe too! Congratulation! And meet Justin Law! He is DWMA's youngest male Death Scythe!" Lord Death shouted excitedly.

"Hello there, I am (Name) (Last name) and I am eight years old. May I ask what's yours?" I tried to sound polite as possible. He stood there.. As booming music continue playing, Lord Death, Spirit and I were getting less patient. Then Spirit walked to Justin and shook him and shouted loudly "GO UP THERE AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF!!" I sweat dropped for a two reasons.. First reason, Spirit was I little TOO rough then needed. Second reason, Justin actually listen to the idiot.. "Hello, my name is Justin Law and I'm thirteen years old. Nice to meet you." He said quite carefully as his voice was smooth and calm.

I was about to say something before Lord Death's face popped up. "(Name), please return to DWMA and we'll talk more in depth. Okay?" He said. "Yes sir." I said as the image started to fade and I waved a little.

Finally the image was fully gone. So I decided to think about the fight while I walk home.

'What was that when I fought that witch?'

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now