.:Chapter 37:.

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"Hmm, I heard you're being released tomorrow." Kid said.

Kid started to visit me more often. But yet he was still a little less than Soul by, maybe 4? He's a great person. Little wacky. But in all, relaxing. Well, a good 90- no 75% of the time..?

"Mhm. Seems like the cat's out of the bag." I said, taking a sip of water. It was peaceful and I really enjoyed it. I looked at my bottle before sweatdropping. Kid, once again, was arranging the room to his liking. Or at least tried to before the nurse came in and started to question him and his intellect. I can still hear his ramblings about how unsymmetrical the room was.

I started to doze off. The medication for the water was kicking in. I tried to stay awake as long as I could before I heard Kid's voice. All I could see was the back of him, his coal coloured blazer was all I locked on to.

"Hey [Name], you know your- Oh."

I see him turn around. My vision worsen drastically as he comes up to me- in front of the bed and with his hand, he in sync, props me on to the pillows and tucks me in. A smudge of pale and black is all I see.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he whispers. I couldn't tell if it was seductively or not. My senses all wanted one thing.


"Alright," I managed to let out. It was quiet-maybe he didn't hear me. Before I could question anymore. I see the rest of his blurred complexities disappear into the inky depths of darkness.

• • •

Huh? I stare up at the ceiling. The same wave of nausea hit me. I felt sick and forgetful.

I continued to stare off in space, eyes glaring at anything. I didn't like this feeling of forgetting something. That and I don't like trying to rack my brain to find the answer. "Maybe Kid's OCD is rubbing off to me too..." I muttered in disbelief. I continued to stare at the shelves just to make sure. I was looking at it to see anything that was anger me at the slightest. Unfortunately I seemed not to be in any luck. I frowned and sighed, pulling my hairs back. I was unfamiliarly stressed for no reason.

Knock knock.

"Come in," I said loud enough for the person on the of side to enter.

It was Kid.

"Oh. Hey Kid." I said. He smiled.

"Hey," he said, "ready to leave?"

Soon the nurse came in looking at the both of us. She walked closer to me, hands leeching onto the transparent tubes that were somewhat connect to me. When she disconnected more of them, it felt strange without them, almost alien-like. But I knew I had to get over it.

"Mr. Death," she says. She was collecting the tubes that were littered on the ground, "please help Miss. [Surname] to the front desk to fill out the sign out form before leaving. It is mandatory to do so."

She soon continues to store away the equipment as Kid walks to me. He laid out his hand in front of me. A soft smile decorated his face as well as his eyes too. They were extremely soft. I took it

I grabbed it, wobbling a bit when I set my feet onto the floor. It was cold and my feet felt numb. He started to chuckle as he caught me before I fell.
I could only awkwardly chuckle and thank him.

• • •

We were outside. After the signed forms and everything, I climbed onto Kid's back, grappling onto him for dear life as he rode his skateboard to my house. Due to my lack of shoes, this was the best answer unless I wanted to walk barefooted.

I still felt a prick in the back of my head. Something was still bugging me. What am I forgetting?

"Here we are." I was alarmed by Kid's sudden voice.

I grazed over the little shack in front of me. Compared to the more recent looking houses, it was... not up to par. That was for sure.

"C'mere." He said, motioning a finger towards him. I nodded and walked to him. He took my hand and guided it to the knob. I looked at him in confusion as I turned it.

It was dark. Pitch black as slowly more and more light shone in the rooms.

"He sure is lucky to have you..." Huh..?

Kid quickly pushed me inside the house, following me. I lost my balances as I began to crash into the floor.

Or not.

I could hear his chuckle. Soul...

I was stopped in front of something like a brick wall...

"Soul...?" I mumbled in confusion.

I could feel his breathe heat up my neck and my face in pure embarrassment.

"Happy Birthday [Name]-chan~"

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now