.:Chapter 21:.

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"Thanks.. I guess.. Stein, rest up for a bit, it's my turn to counterattack now." I said as my arms transformed into katana blades. "Hm." Stein said as he grabbed a cigarette from his lab coat pocket and light it up, taking deep breathes as the intoxicated scent circulated through his body. "Interesting. You'll fight me? Let's see you can." Medusa cheekily said as she got into her defensive stance. "I'll kill you and that's all you need to know!" I shouted, running at her at full speed. "Vector arrow!" Medusa shouted as hundreds of arrows shot right at me. I easily sliced them a part as I continue running right at her. Though it was a bit difficult considering the circumstances I was in. Arrows basically flying everywhere, able to get in your blind spot and strike there. Nearing at least a metre part she activated another spell. "Vector Plate!" Three different plates were active on the field. One in front of her with was pointing at the right side of me, another pointing behind me, and the last one pointing right behind me /or right at my back. So a sneak attack huh? Soon within seconds, she got flung at me, landing a blow on me as I stabbed her elbow and sliced thickly till her shoulder, that's when stepped onto a vector plate pointing right at Dr. Stein. I flew straight at him as I stabbed my legs into the ground preventing the collision between the both of us.

"Interesting. Light Serpents!" Medusa spoke as two huge snake popped out as they soar at me. I retraced my legs as I brashly rolled onto the vector plate, gaining speed and momentum. The battle of was extraordinary difficult as both sides provided each other excellent defense and extraordinary attacks.

Soon Stein flinched as he looked the empty hallways Maka and the others left behind. "Stein! What is it?!" Hentai-san asked as confusion hit his voice. "Maka is fighting the Demon Sword, against my instructions." Stein said casually, a little ticked off though. "What?!" Hentai-san questioned as he was still in his full body weapon transformation. In the mist of Medusa and my fight, she summoned a Light Serpent to attack me as I dodge and gave Medusa a few seconds of her time. She laughed as she continued. "It looks like your adorable little daughter has chosen to die."  Medusa said as I finished out the Light Serpent to get back to the real battle against her. Even though you couldn't see it, but in Hentai-san's weapon form, he smirked. "My daughter isn't that weak." He said, gloating a bit. Medusa just chuckled as I cut a bit of her hoodie and hair off. "Blind parental love.." She mumbled, focusing on the fight than them.

Here! I spotted a hole in her formation as I pierced it. I quickly sped up my jabs as her stomach defences lowered. I verified her movements as Medusa continue to block and strike with every blow. When I struck her stomach it, seemed like she was waiting for the moment that I would strike it. Like she was sacrificing it for the win. But knowing Medusa, there is always a reason behind what she does. All. The. Time. "*Cough* Just like I *Cough* *Cough* planned." She spoke as she jabbed my stomach too. I coughed out blood as well, I quickly sliced both her right arm and left leg off, before kicking away from her. As I did, I could see that sly smirk on her face. I gritted as my leg started to malfunction. This was went Stein and Hentai-san joined in. What the hell! That cut should not have done that much damage to me.

"It's our turn now (Name)." Stein said as my eye slowly shut down, breathing heavily. Getting heavier and heavier each passing minute, my energy drain. Poison maybe? I stood there, half lidded (e/c) irises glaring slightly at the snake charmer. Both Medusa and Stein are in a two person deadlock, either of them could die in a second or less.

Well. I just it's time to act a bit more serious. I thought as I released hidden energy out of my system. "Y'know," I said running in front of Medusa in a flash of a second. "There is a reason why I am a.." I cut her body in half as my hand turned into a cursed bladed katana. "Death Scythe." I finished off as she mumbled something. "I should have known.. But!" The slyest smirk appeared onto that wicked face of her's. A troublesome one too. Something bad-- Soon the whole place shook as cracks began to form on the ceiling, walls and the ground beneath us. What a force..

"You're too late, little girl."

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now