.:Chapter 24:.

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Quite lovely? I swore I heard Kid said that but when I asked him.. Well.. What? I never said such a thing. I think you're hearing things, (Name). He says with pale pink contaminating his cheeks. Sure.. I thought sarcastically as we finally reached where Soul was at.

"You're late." He grumbles as I walk in. I sweatdrop. Don't give me attitude. I thought.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, Kid-kun is joining or watching us today." I said as I pointed behind me. "And today's lesson will be the last one." I said as I begin to explain my thoughts of today's event.

"Okay, so far you learned how to defend and attack with more force by increasing your intuition and the speed of your thinking Albino-kun." I said as I looked at Soul before the leaf covered trees and the breezy wind. "Today, I have a special treat to evaluate your strength so far. After warm ups. Understood?" I continued as I pointed as the leaves that are fall from the tree.

"I see.." He mutters as he walks towards me. "How many?" He questions simply.

"Well, for the time of half an hour and I'll spice this up a tiny bit. With creatures the actual attack you with the same patterns the Kishin will attack you and Maka in." I said with no hint of worry in my voice before Kid sweatdrops. "After all, I can't go easy and let you off like that. Of course or you will never know how to utilize both offensive and defensive moves in battle, Kishin or not." I explain as Soul nodded. Soon I quietly move towards Kid before tucking his suit sleeve.

"Help me get prepare for the next step, please Kid-kun?" I asked softly, not wanting to disrupt Soul, as I put my hands together, flatly aligned with each other. I could see Kid's piercing golden eyes glow and sparkled too.. Oh no.. I thought as he grabbed my wrists together at the same time.

"Such symmetry! It's so symmetrical!" He shouts making Soul glare at us a bit. Soon Kid takes out a ruler to measure my.. hands? I sweatdrop as Soul comes over and one-handedly pulls me or my hands away from Kid's. I could feel a threatening aura coming off both of them as they stare down at each other. Once again I sweatdrop as I clap my hands in front of their face.

"Enough you two." I glare at the both of them as they shrink back a little. "I can practically taste the bloodlust from you two." I sighed as it vanished.

"Albino-kun continue your train of you don't mind and Kid-kun come with me if you don't mind." I order as they both saluted. Before we left I could see a glaring Soul and a smirking Kid.

Soul POV:

What's so good about Kid anyways?! I thought, burning through each punching bag I could see. I'm way cooler than him. Plus he talks about how symmetry is life but his hair isn't symmetrical at all.. I continued to remind myself as I continue to practice my slashes. Each one wearying myself down. My slashes absorbed my rage, creating a dancing fiery of scythe cuts on the landscape— trees, grass and even the earth itself.

After a while [Name] and Kid finally returned with.. Professor Stein? My face lurked with confusion as my body jerked backwards. Eyes half-lidded as I returned my hand back into my sweater pockets.

"Yo [Name], why's Professor Stein with you..?" I asked, making my way to her. Confusion continued lurking beneath my cool and collected mask. I saw a smile form as Kid backed up to the waiting zone, standing there, waiting for something exciting to happen.

Before [Name] could speak, Stein input his mind into the conversation. "I've been asked to test your abilities, Soul." He said, still smoking on the cigarette that lay lit in his mouth. "Well.." A muttered came from the girl before her voice grew strong. "I'm going to test your new abilities using a two verse one match up. Stein and I verse you. And depending how well you go against us.. Ah. Never mind, let's start.

"Wha-WHAT?!" I exclaimed as I grabbed [Name]'s arm. "Why do you not fight me alone to test my strength instead of adding Stein in here?!" I shouted shaking her a bit.

"It wouldn't be fun." She looked confused at me before answering. "And not all battle are going to be one versus one. Sometimes their will be two versus one or three versus one or four—"

I covered her mouth before she can utter another word as I answer her, "Okay okay. I got it I got it."

I sigh as I start to walk back a fair distance away from them. Deciding it was more than enough, I stopped and turned around to them. "I'm just saying it's a bit overkill, y'know.." I muttered as Stein was more than puzzled of [Name]'s and I's relation.

"I know but it's the last test and it's like a final grade." She says as she turns to Stein. "Thank you for helping me Stein." She mutters as she became engulf in blinding light. My eyes, sore from almost staying up all night, glared at the light before within another second deciding it was too much, I ending up blocking the shine that ended up hitting my eyes with my hand the best I could.

"Ready?" I could hear a mutter the next second later. The light was gone and placed with Stein carrying a beautiful pair of Katana blades on both sides of his hands. On both hilt has a deep red with gold coloured dust, sprinkled onto the string attached to it, connected with each other. Though the string dulled to the dazzling engravings on both the sword's blade and hilt. They were a wonderful pattern of [Name of Thing], [Another Name of Thing], and waves crashing onto flames that seems to be able to burn continuously. I was mesmerized by the beauty in front of me.

"Yeah. I am." I responded back to [Name] s she gave the signal for Stein to start as well.

And that's when we both rushed in, landing a blow to each.

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now