.:Chapter 34:.

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First Person Pov:

Where am I... What happened... I was lost in confusion. My everything aches with a vicious pain. I could feel the weights of trying not to open my eyes, not even a peak.

Despite the dreamy altitude, I could feel hands around me, going down to something. I wouldn't expect to remember what had happened earlier.

Nervous system was on shut down while my thoughts were hammering on and on.

I could feel a jet a fresh air, the noise of feet on clammy stairs. Wait stairs? I knew I couldn't open my eyes, my strength was draining to below the bare minimum. I could feel a cold breeze of eyes sweep me. Scanning me almost. But even without my eyesight, my senses where extremely dulled. Like a broken blade.

The eyes gave me chills. Like a predator and it's prey.

Soon everything came to a abrupt stop. The air in the room was tense, extremely hard to breath. Until I heard this.

"Soul, I'll treat her, you should stay with Maka until—"

"No, sir I can't, I want to help her, please sir."

Soul... and Lord Death..? Why are they? Where am I? Unfortunately, there was another beacon of silence before they continued to talk.

"Alright, then please help me than."


"In the cover beside you should be the first aid kit, bring it to me." I could barely hear some shifting and rustling in the background.

"Could you get a few towels and bucket of cold water?" They eyes were everywhere, up down left right. There was so much noise I really wanted to find out what was going on, visually.

Soon I could feel my shirt being lifted upward. I was truly embarrassed. I could feel myself moving away from their touches and eyes. It was so not worth, getting recoiled through my actions. There was a cold plastic that reminds me of a seal that was almost taped onto me. "Does she look any different than without the chest seal?" There was some deep staring again. I pleaded myself not injured myself beyond repair. But I really couldn't help not like this obsessive look Soul gives me, like I'm food or something. Well in his case, a kishin soul.

"No." I was kinda glad Soul's eyes were off me. I really didn't need to feel like a piece of soul.

"Good, okay my next mission for you is to beat Asura," Lord Death says before pulling down my shirt. The hole was still regenerating. The process was painful, but yet bearable, "by the way Soul, please refrain from drool during an operation, it will cause bacteria infections which will harm [Name]—"

"Ah I get it, just don't tell [Name] about it!" Soul was basically screaming at this point. I could almost imagine the flushed face he would have on.

"Shh, your secret is safe with me Soul-chan," Lord Death teased as I could hear shoes squealing against the floor. It was an annoying sound to say the least, "now get going and help your meister out okay, then you can flirt with [Na—"

There was a huge crash following that before abrupt running that grew quieter each second. This time I felt my soft eyes on me.

"You really chosen a very interesting man [Name]." I know I did, that's why I love him.

(Name), the youngest female Death Scythe!Where stories live. Discover now