Chapter 18

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A/n: hello everyone! Sorry this chapter took so long, I was sick but I'm feeling better sooo yeah hope you all enjoy this chapter!
WARNING: yk the drill, smut and stuff! Enjoy!

Clair made sure Severus was all healed up before school started again, knowing he'd hate to be bombarded with a million questions from his peers. Now that they were back at Hogwarts, there were only a few months left before graduation, tests were already done so all that was left to do was pass their remaining classes. Severus wasn't nervous about any of his classes or grades, he was worried about after graduation. He wanted to propose to his dear darling Clair but was so afraid of what everyone would say, of what SHE would say. He knew she loved him but he just couldn't be one hundred percent positive that she'd say yes. He'd planned on asking at the school's graduation ball but did he really want to ask in front of their whole graduating class? Would she be embarrassed? Humiliated? He didn't want to humiliate the love of his life in front of all their peers. All these thoughts ran through his head so fast he didn't even realize the feast appeared in front of them till Clair had said something to him. He jumped a bit and looked over the table at her.
"I'm sorry love what did you say?" He asked softly
"You gotta eat my love, I know you're worried about classes but don't stress yourself too much...." she said softly and gave him a concerned look yet had such soft eyes.
"I'll try not to darling...", he said softly as he started picking at some mashed potatoes on his plate. Deep down she knew something more than classes was bothering him but she didn't want to pry and make him even more stand-offish, she was just worried. Was he going to break up with her when they graduated? Was he worried about hurting her feelings and that's why he was acting funny? These negative thoughts clouded her mind as she continued to eat her dinner, gazing over at the man who she loved and adored so much.
After dinner the pair went back to Severus' dorm per usual; Clair laying on his bed while Severus got changed into his death eater attire.
"I hate to say it, but that outfit is amazing on you. Really highlights your drop dead handsomeness.", Clair said while walking over to Severus and hugging him from behind.
"Thank you, love but your kindness is getting you no where. We already established you aren't coming to this meeting.", he said in that oh so familiar drawl.
"Okay okay fine...but let me at least give you a little luck before you leave....", she said softly with a smirk as her hands trailed down to the growing bulge in his pants before dropping to her knees as he turned to face her. A smile crept on his face as he helped her get his hard on out of his black pants, groaning as she kissed the tip. Severus grabbed a fistful of her hair, guiding her mouth down his shaft, grunting and moaning as she took him fully.
"Oh my.....nnngh you're so-so good! Ah!", he barely breathed out his sentence as she gagged on his hard cock. He was in heaven before he felt a familiar burning on his forearm. He hissed and she lifted her head up thinking she hurt him before he gently pet her hair, shaking his head and grabbing her chin softly.
"He's calling, but when I get back we'll continue....this.", he said before stuffing himself back into his pants, then apparating to Malfoy Manner for the meeting.
The meetings contents went by in a blur. Severus' mind was clouded with thoughts of the Dark Lords cousin, his lover, his Clair. After the meeting was over he stood up to leave.
"Ah Severus...please wait a moment.", the dark lord said while gesturing for him to come over to him. Everyone else quickly filed out of the room while Snape walked over to where Voldemort was sitting. He knew he didn't remember the encounters from the last meeting so what did he have to say to him?
"It has come to my attention that you are having relations with my dear cousin", Voldemort started
'Damn it, I bet he's going to kill me. Who told him? Probably Avery or Mulciber.' He thought
"....and I give you my blessing....but if you break her heart....I will not hesitate to kill you. Me and her haven't always gotten along but she is and always will be my favorite family member, I would hate to see her broken....", Voldemort continued in his usual low tone, giving Severus a serious look.
"I wouldn't dream of it, my lord."
"'re dismissed."
Severus gave a curt nod and apparated back to his room only to see his girlfriend on his bed in nothing but a black lace bra and panties.
"Dear Merlin, I'm so in love with you.", he said as he groaned softly and dove into bed to start kissing her neck.
"Mmm love, how did the meeting go?", she asked while holding him close and running a hand through his hair.
"Wasn't really paying attention....he knows about us though...", Severus muttered against her neck while still kissing and sucking on her skin. She froze under his touch, wide eyed.
"Knows about us?! You left without a scratch on you! What did he say?", she asked slightly panicked, trying to look at him but only got a face full of his hair, calming slightly at the smell.
"Said he gives me his blessing because you're his favorite family member.", he went on as he leaned back slightly and pulled her into his lap. To say she was shocked was an understatement but she quickly relaxed as she felt his hands trail up the back of her thighs and cup her bottom, deciding to let go of the previous conversation. She moved his head from her neck and smashed her lips onto his in a needy manner. He grabbed her hair and brought her face closer, if that was even possible. He'd never been so needy during their intimacy, it was like he was letting out all the worry he had been building up in his mind. He slowly pulled back and kissed her forehead. She laid back on the bed, pulling him on top of her, wrapping her legs around his waist.
"Let's get these off of you, shall we?", he tilted his head, referring to her bra and panties as he pulled his wand out of his cloak. She quickly nodded as he flicked his wand, making her bare. Severus placed his wand on the nightstand, sitting on his knees for a moment to take off his cloak and toss it on the floor before rolling up the sleeves of his black button up shirt and resting himself back on top of his lover. Clair wrapped her arms around his shoulders, playing with his hair and smirking.
"Are you going to make love to me or just sit there and keep teasing me?", she asked, giggling. He quickly started taking the zipper down and taking his hard on out with one hand while balancing his body weight with the other. In one swift motion he pushed into her, still balancing his weight on one arm but moving the other to grab somewhere between her hip and her thigh. His thrusts started slow, key word started, he couldn't control his longing and desperateness for her for long and excitedly started slamming his member into his lover, she screamed in delight, scratching down his back through his shirt while he groaned. At this point, they were sure the whole floor could hear them but neither cared, this was their moment, it felt like only the two of them existed. Each thrust felt like they were getting closer and closer to heaven or something similar. Her moans started getting more high pitched.
"Mmnnngh Sev....! Close! Sev I'm cl-close!", she cried out and after a few more moments she let out one final moan and released which sent him over the edge. He groaned then let out a soft grunt, releasing his seed into her before collapsing next to her, panting and trying to catch his breath. His mind was filled with adoration for her, this isn't how he wanted to do it but it just felt right to do it now. He turned to face her and caressed her cheek.
"Will you marry me?"

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