Chapter 1

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Clair and Remus walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. The conversation low and heavy in the hallway, obviously not the grandest subject to bless either of them this morning.
"I just don't understand why they have to do such cruel things to him, Moony. Has he ever REALLY done anything?" Clair huffed and crossed her arms, turning her head to look over at the taller, sandy headed boy, awaiting his response.
"Well you know he isn't the nicest...not even to you and you're in the same house as him! I just stay out of their quarrels and you should too, sweet bun", Remus glanced at the short girl with indifference, just as they were turning a corner the subjects of the conversation were having an argument right in the middle of the hallway, though seemingly one sided because James, as usual was doing most of the yelling. The boys hadn't noticed the pair who had just arrived to witness this. Without a thought, Clair dropped her bag to the floor and stomped over to James, obviously fuming.
"And what the bloody hell is all this?!", she harshly said through gritted teeth to her specked friend.
"Oh Clair! Me and Snivellus were just having a chat," he backed up giving the boy some space, "I told him that he should be a bit more polite to those of the opposite gender, or he'd never have any luck getting a date to the Yule ball!", James smiles and chuckles as the girl squinted at him, if looks could kill he'd be in the ground by now.
Severus by now had picked up his books and other items and dusted them off, wondering how this girl, nearly half his size could get James Potter to get away from him. If he wasn't fuming from the previous moments he would've looked at her in awe. They were in the same house, sure, but she was friends with The Marauders, and anyone who was friends with them was most likely a blithering idiot. He just stood against the wall watching the girl argue with Potter, though the noise was drowned out by his own thoughts and questions. Before he could even turn to walk away, all that was interrupted with
"James just lay off and leave the poor boy alone!", she turned to look at the lanky raven haired boy, approaching him quietly, gently almost, "And Severus, I know you're quiet but please don't let their words get to you. I know James is my friend but I might just have to knock him on his arse if he keeps behaving like this", she offered him a small smile
Before Severus could even think about it, a scowl grew on his face, "I don't need help from the likes of you!", he then turned and briskly walked away, disappearing into what she knew was the Great Hall. She stood there, shocked. Appalled that he would speak to her like that, knowing she stood up for him. Knowing they'd have to share classes today. Knowing damn well he'd see her in the Slytherin common room later. Clair didn't blame him though, he'd been the target for her so-called friends torment for as long as she could remember. She just hoped she could show the boy that she was different from them.

(Sorry I know it's kind of short I just wanted to make sure I didn't drone on, it's only the first chapter after all but I hope y'all liked it!)

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