Chapter 12

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Sorry it's a little short I'm just not trying to make every chapter ✨smutty✨ soooo I hope ya'll still like it!
Breakfast the next day was awkward and that's putting it lightly. James and Sirius were sharing whispers and snickers while looking at the couple. After all, those two were the immature ones of the group. Severus was surprisingly calm at their behavior and Clair had her face rested against her hand while stabbing her pancakes with her fork and chewing aggressively. She should've known better than to believe those two would behave when it came to her lover. Severus could see she was about to explode and gently slid his hand to her thigh and gently caressed it to calm her. She stopped midchew to look down at his hand then to look at him and swallowed her bite of pancake with a light blush dusted on her face. Luckily none of the Marauders caught that or it would give them another thing to add onto their little jokes. Anything the raven headed boy did made her drip with want for him and he didn't even know it. She quickly placed her fork down, got up, grabbed Severus' hand and dragged him out of the room away from the Marauders and his half eaten eggs. He didn't question her erratic behavior as she pulled him all the way up the stairs to their designated room and pressed him against the wall once the door was closed. If the boys didn't suspect something was up at breakfast then now they definitely did. She quickly slammed her lips against his in a needy way, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. For a short girl, she was certainly strong when she wanted to be. He snaked his hands down her curves and rested them on her hips as they kissed. It felt like electricity and warmth every time the two were near each other. Her smile made him feel like wherever he was at, as long as he was with her, he was home; which as of right now was in a bedroom in his mortal enemies household. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even realize he was staring at her as they kissed, he was in total awe because she looked gorgeous. Once he was done admiring her, he shut his eyes and continued pressing his lips to hers. He wanted to stay with her like this forever but alas they were in the Potter residence and if the boys were bored they were definitely going to harass the couple because what else were "brothers" for?? Speaking of them harassing Clair and Severus, slamming the door open comes Sirius followed by James with Remus and Peter trailing behind.
"Oh Merlin!! AGAIN?!", exclaimed Sirius as he covered his eyes with his arms, chuckling with James. Clair pulled away from the kiss with a dreamy look on her face but it was quickly washed over with anger as she looked over at the Marauders.
"Haven't you bloody heard of knocking?! You lot are lucky I love you all otherwise I would HEX you into NEXT BLOODY WEEK!", she said crossing her arms over her chest though even when she was angry, the short girl kept a cute appearance. She stomped over, shooing the boys away, slamming the door then pushing a chest in front of it hoping that would stop them from barging in on her private time. Sometimes she wished they weren't so nosey when it came to her and Severus' relationship, then they wouldn't have caught them in the act while she was on top of the poor boy. She sighed and plopped on the bed with Sev following suit and pulling her into his arms.
"I'm sorry that we're a spectacle to them, they just don't understand how we ended up together....", she murmured against his chest, snuggling further into him. Sure, it was still early in the day but she could stay in his arms for hours on end.
"It's quite alright, they just haven't seen what soul mates look like so they don't get it.", he smiled softly, petting her hair and planting kisses on the top of her head as he held her. Her eyes widened a little bit, luckily her face was hidden in his chest so he couldn't see this expression on her face. 'Soul Mates.' The words echoed in her head. He'd never said that before. Of course he'd said he loves her plenty of times but never referred to her as his soul mate. Frankly, the greasy headed dungeon bat never showed much affection to anyone so those words from his lips made her feel content and warm inside. He had even surprised himself with his new attitude towards her and towards life in general. Things were turning around for him after all...

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