Chapter 5

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Warning: drinking and slight fluff!

It was finally Friday! The potions test that day had been surprisingly easy, thanks to Snape's notes from the other week. Not like she'd say that to him. Currently, it was dinner time. Clair was sitting at the Gryffindor table across from Lily, she wasn't in the mood for her Slytherin house mates today.
"I just don't understand why he acts like that Lils, he's so closed off and cold and I really try!", she sighed and moved a bit of her food around with her fork.
"I think he's warmed up to you quite quickly to be honest, he's never let me look at his notes or anything.", the red headed girl stated looking her friend in the eye before continuing, "maybe you two should just try to talk it out, it really seems like he's not being that difficult with you, just ease up a bit." Clair sighed once more and nodded thinking about taking her friends advice. After all, the gryffindor girl had been friends with him for years since childhood before the M-word incident. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a
"Pssst Clair pssssst", Clair already knew it was Maxine before she turned her head to face the blonde girl whom sat at their normal table. She nodded her head towards the door signaling for Clair to follow her to their shared dorm.
"Well Lily, I think that's my cue to leave.", she waved at her friend before getting up and exiting with Maxine. They walked back down the hall, through the common room and plopped on their beds. The blonde grinned
"I have a present for you!" She said as she pulled out two bottles of firewhiskey, handing the black haired girl one while saying,
"open up and drink so you can get your mind off all this stress and bullshit."
Clair and Maxine were trashed. Both bottles emptied and discarded on the floor.
"Claaaaair do me a favor teehee"
"What is iiiiit?"
"Can you pfffft heh can you clear outta here, Mulciber is crashing here tonight"
Clair rolled her eyes and got up wrapping herself in her blanket, shuffling towards the door muttering a
"Fine but you owe me..." before exiting. She could sleep on the couch in the common room but in her drunken state she was on her way to bother the one and only Lucius Malfoy. He was like a brother to her, always bickering but really loved each other like family. She stumbled down the hall and into the corridor where the boys dorm rooms were before slamming his door open to reveal an annoyed Lucius and a shocked Severus. Given that his shocked face was a cocked eyebrow and an expression mostly covered by a book, you wouldn't know.
"Pfffft haha look at your face Lucius!! I didn't know you roomed with Sevvvv. I came to kick you out of your bed but I'd rather bunk with him, Mr. Grumpy." She closed the door and shuffled over to Severus' side of the room
"Scoot over"
She crawled in his bed between his arm and the book. He surprisingly hadn't moved his arm, just shifted it so he held his book with one hand and her with the other but also so he could use that hand to flip the page if needed. Severus smelled the liquor on her, how could he not? She reeked of it. He was intoxicated by the smell alone. That hard almost cinnamon liquor mixing with her normal delicate sweet aroma. He was hooked, it made him comfortable. She wasn't there to hurt him like his father had always loved doing after a few drinks. Thoughts of her flooded his head and as soon as he'd began thinking them they were interrupted with a soft yawn and a murmur of words from the girl in his arms.
"Read to me, Sev....", through the slight slur of her words he complied and started to softly read the book aloud to her. Soft snores following. For once it was warm in the Slytherin dungeons and it wasn't the extra blanket she'd brought along with her.
Lucius couldn't believe his eyes, his two closest friends were canoodling right in front of him. Oh how he wanted to make a face of disgust. To disrupt. To be immature and make a noise to interrupt their intimate moment. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He knew how unhappy both of them had been and it was a relief seeing the two stubborn snakes being brought together. He'd noticed Snape had fallen asleep with his arm around the girl and the book resting on his stomach. Lucius took a picture quietly and smiled before blowing out the candles that lit the room. He was never going to let either of them live this down. Especially not Clair, she'd be reminded of this one drunken night for as long as he could possibly bring it up.
~the next day~
Clair had a pounding headache. Her bed was abnormally warm and her pillow abnormally hard. She finally opened her eyes, shielding them from the light seeping in through the window only to find herself in a different room than her own. Not only that but in the arms of Severus Snape. Her face went ablaze and her eyes widened. She hadn't remembered how she got here last night but she was certainly thankful for it. She peeked over the boy to see a smirking Lucius Malfoy.
"Sleep well, princess?"
"What the fuck happened yesterday, Lucius?", she whisper yelled at the platinum headed boy
"Well you stumbled in here to push me off my bed but saw Severus was my roommate and crawled right into his arms.", she didn't think he could get anymore smug but boy was she wrong. Just as she was about to open her mouth the raven haired boy seemed to pull her closer before opening his eyes and letting out a groggy sigh. He seemed to forget she was next to him till he turned his head and saw her there between himself and his arm. This was the most emotion she'd ever seen on his face and sadly it was only shock.
"I thought that was a dream, what a.....pleasant surprise.", he offered her the smallest smile before laying his book on his nightstand and leaning back into his pillow. Relief was written all over her face and her cheeks cooled a bit. 'Why isn't he mad? He smiled at me! Have we been cuddling all night? What did Lucius see?!', all these thoughts ran through her head while she laid there. Eyes shifting between Severus and Lucius. Why were they both so calm about this?! Clair had no clue what the hell was going on but she knew it would surely change the dynamic of whatever her & Severus' current relationship was. Oh how she hoped it would get better instead of worse. Oh how she hoped it wouldn't be awkward or weird but deep down she had a feeling the boy would just shut down and be closed off again. This was going to be an interesting experience and hopefully it would turn out in her favor.

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