Chapter 15

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Warning: you already know wtf goin on with the smut; also some fighting
Clair woke up the next day, surprisingly before Severus. He was probably exhausted from taking care of her drunk ass all night. Clair had thankfully been leaving clothes in his dorm as she slept there most days. She pulled herself from his bed, twisted her hair up into a sloppy bun and threw on a comfy pleated skirt that reached a bit below her knees and an oversized black sweater along with sunglasses because it was too bright for her hangover to handle. Quickly stepping into a pair of slippers she left a note on the nightstand for him.
'Went to get some breakfast, see you soon xo'
With that, she quietly slipped out of the room and started heading to the grand hall. On the way she ran into the Marauders along with Lily who was obviously following James.
Clair didn't know how things escalated so quickly. One moment she was walking with the group to breakfast and the next Lily had started saying some very distasteful things about Severus leading them to where they were now. Sirius and Peter were holding Clair back from starting a fight with the other girl while James stood in front of Lily with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Clair don't act like that!", James said to her sternly.
"James you better get a leash on your bloody MUTT of a girlfriend!", Clair shouted while trying to wiggle her arms away from the other two boys. Severus was coming down to catch Clair at breakfast so they could go to the Whomping Willow afterwards but heard some commotion and saw this scene in front of him.
"She has no right to talk about him like that! I know what he said to her was bad but he did everything he could to apologize! He did everything for her and she just used him then threw him out when she was done! She didn't even stand up for her childhood friend against you James! It was me, YOUR childhood friend, that said something!", Clair continued holding back tears obviously very sensitive towards how Severus had been treated. He was shocked to say the least. Severus let out an awkward cough and the group looked over to him.
"Severus! Good you're here! Say something to your girlfriend!", Lily said as she looked over at him. Severus walked over to Clair, prompting Sirius and Peter to let her go. He gently wrapped an arm around the girl and shook his head.
"I love her and I'm not going to correct her for defending me, Lily. I don't care how long we've known each other, you were neglectful to our friendship. I know I wasn't a saint in the friendship but you chose someone who torments me and that's not a very friend-like thing to do. You two don't have to like each other, just like me and James don't like each other but I'm not going to ruin their friendship and neither should you.", Severus calmly stated resting his chin on Clair's head. To put it simply, everyone's jaw was on the fucking floor. Severus was actually standing up for himself and Clair against Lily. James gave him a light nod signaling some type of respect for his speech. Lily was red in the face with embarrassment.
"I apologize, Clair, Severus, I didn't realize that would cause such a big issue.", Lily stated softly. Clair calmed down and gave her a small nod.
"I apologize for exploding and almost kicking your ass, Lils....", Clair grumbled a bit, still upset but fully accepting the apology from her friend. The pair walked away from the group, deciding to go to the library, it was still early so it wouldn't be crowded at all. They walked to the furthest, darkest corner of the library and got comfortable. Clair pulled a Herbology book out of the shelf and sat, starting to read. Severus cozied up next to her, slipping his hand on her thigh and nuzzling his face into her neck. She stuck her nose further into the book to hide the blush on her face though it probably wasn't noticeable as most of the lights were either dim or broken in this part of the library. The pair hadn't been intimate since the summer which was also before the incident. It's not that she didn't want it, no she craved him, she was just a little nervous about getting back into it. On cue as if he could read her thoughts, he kissed her cheek then
"If you're not comfortable with doing that then we can always do other stuff.", Severus stated softly as he ran his hand up and down her thigh gently. She quickly nodded in response. Nobody really knew Severus to be that bold except her and Merlin he was always excited about intimacy even though he had a bit of insecurity. A small smirk tugged at his lips, he picked up a book and gently threw it under the table they sat at with a thud.
"Whoops I seem to have dropped something, let me pick that up", he stated as he crawled under the table. It was quite dark, how was he even going to find the book?
"Severus, why did you even-", she started but was cut off by his hands gripping her inner thighs and his nose prodding at her clit as he licked her heat through her panties. Clair let out a sharp gasp trying not to be too loud.
"What're you doing?! We're gonna get caught!", she whisper yelled at her boyfriend.
"Not if you keep that pretty little mouth of yours quiet", he whispered back. She didn't know where this side of Sev came from but she was living for it. She leaned back in the chair, relaxing till she felt his tongue between her folds. How he had gotten her panties off that fast was a mystery to her. His hands went back to roughly gripping her plush thighs, spreading them as he delved his tongue into her, his nose once again rubbing against her clit. She bit her lip not trying to let out noises but it was almost impossible. She let one hand go down to grip his hair and pull him in closer while the other gripped onto the table so tightly her knuckles turned white. Dear Merlin he must've read a book on how to do this. To put it lightly, Severus was enjoying himself as much as his lover was. He wanted nothing more than his face to be buried so deep between her thighs that he suffocates. He moved his mouth up, licking and sucking on her clit as he slid two long fingers into her, gently pressing upward and rubbing against her g-spot. Clair hunched over the table a bit, trying not to be a moaning mess. At this point her legs were shaking and she knew she'd unravel at any minute due to his actions. He put a bit more pressure on the spot and she felt herself lose it. She threw her head back and grabbed his hair tightly as she came. By the time she was done, he'd lapped up most of her juices and she was panting like she'd just ran a marathon. He cleaned her up and came out from under the table, wiping his face and looking over to her in awe. She definately had a post orgasm glow right now but then again he always thought she was absolutely stunning. She couldn't believe they'd just done that in the library, it gave her bit of a rush. She gave him a quick kiss and had a cheeky smile on her face, gently grabbing his hand, getting up and pulling him back to the dorm. Boy was he in for quite a night after that.

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