Chapter 8

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(If you don't want to read, the chapter isn't very important so you can skip it, smut starts when they go outside!! Also it's my first smut so plz go easy on me)

The Yule Ball was here before they knew it. Severus waited for Clair in the Slytherin common room. She wouldn't take much longer, just setting her makeup and pinning the final pieces of hair into place, rushing out of her room after. He turned once he heard an oh so familiar creak at the stairs and there she was in all her glory. She'd worn a deep green dress with a large puffed skirt, like he'd suggested. Smokey eyes, black lipstick and a cute updo held by snake hairpins. Severus was in absolute awe, he'd always thought she looked beautiful of course but damn could that girl dress up. He was most definitely blushing, his pale cheeks highlighting the blood that rushed to his face. Clair finally got all the way down the stairs and giggled at his expression.
"Like what you see, Sev?", she rolled her eyes a bit with a big smile rested on her face.
"You....look....gorgeous...", that all too familiar drawl in his voice as he said each word. It sounded like velvet to her. She gently grabbed his arm and soon enough they were off to the ball. Almost as soon as they'd arrived, it dawned on them that neither of them really enjoyed dancing or crowds at all so to the punch bowl they went. The drink was absolutely beautiful, it was a bluish color with silver glitter almost swirling around. Severus filled two glasses with the substance, handing one to his date and proceeding to drink his own. Two hours and about ten delicious drinks each later, the pair found out that the punch was definitely spiked. Of course Clair had been drunk before but this was a much stronger sensation, and poor Severus, he was a little less wasted than she was but still wasted nonetheless. She gripped his hand and stumbled out of the ball room, dragging him behind and heading to the carriages outside. She knew Slughorn was on watch but let's face it he was too lazy (and probably too drunk) to even check for hormonal teens outside. Clair quickly shoved Severus into one and swiftly climbed in, falling into his lap and slamming the door behind them. So there she was, straddling the lanky, raven haired boys lap. The liquor was definitely making this whole experience hotter than it already was. Sure they'd done stuff but they never did the main thing. Severus gulped at the thought as the girl on top of him was placing sloppy kisses along his neck. Even in his drunken state he had no clue what to do with his hands, let alone with himself. His thoughts were interrupted with a whine.
"Seeeeevvvvv, touch me...", Clair came face to face with him as she said it, pulling the biggest puppy dog eyes she could manage. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it, moving his hands down to cup her bottom. He was determined to do this without fear or insecurity and before his liquid courage wore off. Clair was seemingly satisfied with this action as she went back to kissing and leaving hickeys on his neck, gently grinding against his crotch as she did so. Needless to say, both of them were obviously very inexperienced but this felt like heaven. At that point, she'd stopped kissing him and purely laid there, hips grinding against his clothed bulge, head rested against his neck letting out moans and heavy breathes against his ear. If she was a mess during this little action, he thought about how much louder and animated she'd be during sex. It excited him more than he'd care to admit. Hell, he could barely keep his hands from trembling against her ass. His whole body was racked with a nervous sort of arousal. All of the sudden, much to his dismay, she'd stopped rocking her hips and brought her head up to look the boy in his eyes.
"I...uhm....may I...?", she looked down referring to his,now extremely tight, trousers. Severus quickly nodded and began helping her slide them down enough to give her access. He moved his hands up her dress, fully expecting to feel an all too familiar cloth near her heat but instead was shocked to find nothing of the sort. "She did this all for me?", he thought as he squeezed her hips, a small smirk playing on his face. The girl certainly always had a trick up her sleeve. Before he could even think another word he felt her lower herself onto him, taking most of his length in her. She took a pause, wincing and firmly gripping onto the seat behind his head before sliding down the rest of the way. Her cunt was so warm and tight and wet, she felt so good, Severus wanted to savor this feeling forever. His grip on her hips went tighter, he was sure it would leave little bruises but they were both in such a euphoric state, neither one cared. Just when he thought the moment couldn't get better, Clair began riding him like her life depended on it, her eyes seemingly rolling back into her head with every trip she made down his shaft. He tilted his head back, shutting his eyes and grunting loudly. Merlin, he could now say he liked something more than potions and even the dark arts. She leaned her head forward into the crook of his neck, letting out whines and airy moans. Her hot breathe tickling his sensitive skin. He wanted, no, he needed more attention, more intimacy from her. He gently grabbed her face and roughly kissed her. It was sloppy and needy. Severus' nose pressed roughly into her cheek, he wanted to be as close to her as he possibly could and she loved it. Her hips were still rocking and bouncing all the way, they were pure magic to him. She pulled away from the kiss, pressing her forehead against his, sharply moaning.
"!!", she let out pieces of his name with each bounce and that was what unraveled him. He grunted and released into her then with one final bounce she hunched into his shoulder, gripping onto his back as her heat tightened around him, signaling her orgasm. She shook against him as she was coming undone and finally let out a small sigh, nuzzling his neck. He held her gently, kissing the top of her head a few times before resting his chin there.
"That was wonderful, love...", those words coming from his deep voice sounded like music to her ears. She'd almost forgot they were in a carriage quickly maneuvering around so she could fix herself and her lover. Clair was the first to get out, smoothing her dress and wiping her brow when she was outside. Severus followed, shutting the door behind them. Both of their cheeks were flushed. Was it from the alcohol that was now wearing off or the act they'd just finished? Probably both in all honesty. She grabbed his hand gently, intertwining her fingers with his.
"I think we should head back to your dorm...", she said with a giggle and a smile on her face. Of course, Severus nodded eagerly being dragged by the short girl back to his dorm where they'd enjoyed each other a few more times that night. Much to Lucius' dismay, as he'd been kicked out of the room having to sleep on the couch in the common room.

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