Chapter 16

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(So this kinda turned into a filler chapter to kinda lead me to where I wanna go with this book also I'm sick so just bear with me here, I have lots of ideas.)
After what had happened in the library, the two had been less intimate. It wasn't that they didn't want to be, it was just that it was their last year at Hogwarts so studying and exams were top priority right now. Clair helped Severus study for Herbology while he helped her study Potions and DADA. Every night was spent with them passing out on Severus' bed with the lights left on and books scattered everywhere. Occasionally, he'd have to go to a deatheater meeting so that added even more stress. What Clair didn't know was that Dumbledore knew that Severus was a deatheater and wanted to offer him a job after he graduated to be the new potion's master so Slughorn could retire but also so Sev could be close enough to Dumbledore to work as a double agent. He didn't really know how he'd bring this up to his lover, but he thought it would be a good opportunity for their future. Severus looked over to his girlfriends sleeping form then to his nightstand which held the ring that he planned on proposing with at the end of the year. He may not have been the most emotional person but he melted for her and wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He quickly went back to reading his potions book before she woke up and saw him looking at where his surprise was hidden. She yawned and slowly opened her eyes, looking at the raven headed boy and cuddling closer to him.
"Mmmm good morning Sev...", she stated sleepily. He kissed the top of her head.
"Good morning love.", he said back.
The mornings were now pretty much the only moments he got a bit of time with her. It was the weekend so they had a bit of free time to spend together when they ate but other than that it was essentially a nonstop two day study session. Severus was interrupted from his thought process when Clair sat up and stretched a bit.
"Let's stop studying.", she said bluntly.
"Haha very funny love.", he rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face.
"I'm not joking," she looked at him with a straight face before continuing
"We're the two smartest students in Slytherin if not the entire school, it's a waste of time. You're wound up so tight you might explode Sev. Let's just relax.", she stated. He was shocked to say the least. He loved studying, especially with her. She was right though. He was studying the same material out of the same text book he'd already gone over a million times 5 years ago, if it wasn't burned into his head already then it never would be.
"Hmmm yes I suppose you're right.", he planted a small kiss on the tip of her nose, praying to Merlin that their children had her feature over his. The invasive thought startled him. Children? Marriage? Before last year, these things had never really crossed his mind and then a ray of sunshine stepped into his life. His thoughts were once again interrupted by a hand waving in front of his face.
"Quite the spaceman today, are we? Whats on your mind my love?", Clair asked him with a warm smile on her face, her arms wrapped around his shoulders gently.
"Just about how I'm going to make you my wife." He stated and nuzzled his face between her slightly pudgy neck and shoulder. He couldn't see her eyes widen. Of course they were serious but she never thought he'd want to marry her or anyone for that matter. Severus always seemed the type to be 'married to his work'. Her shock turned into a smile as she placed a kiss onto his head and ran her hand through the hair near the back of his neck. Merlin she loved his hair. She slowly inhaled his scent. Books, cedar, rain, the sweet yet bitter scent of dark chocolate and a slight musk that would normally be on her records but she knew it was from the dungeons or more specifically the potions room. He smelled like Amortentia, like heaven even. She straddled his lap, wrapping her arms and legs around him to envelop him in a hug. You know the expression 'Home isn't a place, but a feeling'? This was it. This feeling is their home. Just as she was getting comfortable on his lap Severus hissed in pain, his head shot up and his hand shot to the dark mark on his arm. He knew what it meant. There was a meeting. The pair quickly got up, he started getting dressed.
"I hope you know I'm going."
"No you aren't Clair, it's too dangerous."
"Sev you know I'm stubborn, you and a thousand armies couldn't stop me from going"
He huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Fine.", he stated bluntly as he grabbed her hand and apparated to Malfoy Manor. To put it simply, he was about to drop from anxiety. He nervously lead her to the meeting room, and as soon as he did, all eyes went to them. Lucius' jaw dropped slightly seeing his friend.
"Ah my dearest cousin...", Voldemort said.
"What's he talking about love?", Severus glanced over to his lover, he saw her eyebrows furrowed and her hands twitch.
"Coercing with filthy half bloods are we?", the dark lord asked, referring to Severus.
"I heard the stories, wasn't sure it was you doing all this Tom, thought the name was just a coincidence but now I know. I'd thought you'd have grown up by now. And don't refer to my boyfriend as filthy or I'll kick your stupid arse so hard you'll wish you hadn't started this little gang of whatever this is.", she sneered at him. Gasps were heard around the room. Severus knew his short girlfriend was a firecracker but he never thought she'd be capable of that. Actually, no, of course SHE would be the one to get snarky with the dark lord. He did find it awfully strange that they had the same last name but all the pieces fit together now.
"I don't care if we're family, you will not speak to me like that you filthy blood traitor!", the dark lord started lifting his wand when
The dark lord shot to the ground, hitting his head, rendering him on the brink of consciousness, a large gash across his middle. Clair lowered her wand and walked over to him, kneeling next to him.
"You know better than to cross me Tom, remember when we were kids?", she stated as she started muttering 'Vulnera Sanentur' next to his body. As she finished healing his wounds she walked to the door, rushing Severus out before poking her head back in the room of people too shocked to move, some helping Voldemort up, with an
Grey little memory mists from each person flew into her wand before rushing out of the mansion with Severus and apparating back to hogwarts, a shocked expression still on his face. She walked over and sat on his bed.
" must have a lot of questions."
"!", he rambled and stuttered trying to find the right words.
"Tom's always had an 'I'm so much better than you' attitude so it's fun to knock him down a few pegs. I'm a more powerful being than him but I'm kind so why's he get the luxury of being a dick. As for clearing the room of their memories I didn't wanna ruin your whole not so secret double agent thing.", she said, gently grabbing his hand and holding it. His jaw dropped. She knew?! She giggled at his expression, knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"Oh come off it, you think Dumbledore can ever shut his big mouth??", just as she was finished Lucius walked in, looking at the pair and cocking an eyebrow.
"Severus....why weren't you at our special....erm magic meeting?", Lucius asked, obviously not remembering any of the incidents that happened at said meeting. If you thought Severus' jaw couldn't drop anymore, you're dead wrong because it was nearly at the floor now while Clair laughed hysterically.
"Geez whats your issue Bun," Lucius asked, referring to her small fluffy animagus form.
"Nothing nothing, just thinking of a funny story, now if you'll excuuuuse us", Clair said as she pulled Severus into his bed, closing the curtains around it.
"Wasn't that bloody hilarious?", she asked still giggling. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms before an inevitable smirk came on his face.
"Fine it was a bit funny....", he said in that usual drawl of his. She quickly pecked his lips but Merlin knows they can't just kiss once. So as little pecks turned into heated needs and tiny moans, Severus knew he was in for quite a weekend with his darling, Clair.

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