Chapter 13

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Author's note: I'm like really sorry that this chapter is sad I just wanted to write out how I feel right now through my characters but I hope you guys still like it and hey what's a book without a devastating chapter, love you guys

Severus had taken a nap while holding Clair but when he woke up, she was no longer in his arms. He wiped his eyes and looked up seeing her packing up their things.
"Love....what're you doing?", he asked a bit groggily. She turned to him with a smile, flicking her wand so their luggage would pack itself so they could chat.
"We're gonna head off to my house love, I'd just like a bit more....privacy", she said softly.
So off they went to her house, her little home away from home as she would call it since her family was in the states and this was where she spent most of her time when she wasn't at Hogwarts. In that little house was where the pair spent the rest of the summer. Severus was a bit surprised his mother let him stay for that long but he was extremely grateful. All summer they shared kisses and cuddles along with dinner and other more intimate acts but sadly that had to come to an end as they had to board the Hogwarts express to go back to school once again.

It had been about a week and a half since they returned. It was pretty late, Severus was currently in his dorm reading a book while Lucius was finishing an essay. All of the sudden, Clair's friend (and also Mulciber's girlfriend), Maxine, came bursting through the door, seemingly out of breath like she ran across the Slytherin living quarters.
"Severus.....Clair....something wrong," she said between breathes then after she contained herself she continued with
"Lucius go get the Marauders it's urgent, drag them to her room if you have to."
Severus quickly got up and sprinted out of his room to his lover's as quickly as possible. Clair was always so stable, so amazing, almost always had a smile on her face. What could have been so bad in the middle of the night? Once he got there the door was open. Max probably forgot to shut it when she ran out. As he entered the room he heard a sob, he didn't see her in bed. He looked around to see the light on in the dorm's bathroom and walked over to see his girlfriend on the floor, pretty much hunched over the toilet, sobbing. There was a bit of blood on it and under her. He panicked and quickly kneeled down to hold her, not caring if he got blood on his pants. He didn't notice anything off until she started talking in the middle of her cries.
"I....I...I didn't know....I...," she said as she sobbed into his shoulder. He had no idea what she was talking about until he actually looked into the toilet and what he saw shook him to the core. There had been blood of course and slightly peeking under it there was a small solid mass of what he could only assume to be a fetus. She was pregnant? His thoughts were interrupted by the four boys rushing in and seeing the scene. Their faces quickly dropped, it didn't take them as long as Severus to assess what had happened to their poor friend. Remus quickly cleaned up the room with magic as Severus and Sirius helped her up.
"We need to get her to the hospital wing," Remus stated as he turned to look at the boys.
Severus knew she wasn't alright to walk in a state like this but she just hung loosely when he tried to pick her up bridal style. The last thing he wanted to do was drop her so he picked her up and gently hoisted her over his shoulder. Quickly the group ran as fast as they possibly could to the hospital wing, explaining the situation to Madame Pomfrey. Severus gently laid his love on one of the beds, it hurt him to see her like this. Truth be told, it hurt the Marauders too. She was always there to clean up their mess and help them. Her face, where she once had such vibrant eyes and a lovely smile now held a blank expression. She just laid there, nothing coming from her mouth. She was obviously still in a state of shock. Sev sat down in a chair beside her bed and held her hand as Madame Pomfrey cleaned her up and gave her potions to help. As the Marauder's filed out of the hospital wing for the night, he refused to leave. How could he leave her like this? As his love drifted off to sleep, he stayed up and watched over her to make sure she was okay. Hell how could he even think about sleep when she was in the state that she was in? By the time morning came, Severus had dark circles under his eyes. He was exhausted, truly. Thankfully Madame Pomfrey informed him that Dumbledore had granted them both off from classes until further notice. It was their last year of school after all so it wouldn't hurt their grades all that bad. Clair was stirring in her sleep but she hadn't woken up yet. She needed all the rest she could get. He didn't wanna press her with questions as he could probably assume what had happened on his own. He just wanted her to recover. He looked over to her, he thought she looked so angelic especially while she slept. He moved his hand to her to get a strand of hair out of her face. Just as he retracted his hands her bright green eyes flickered open and she turned to look at him. He could tell she was under stress. She looked a bit sick, paler than usual along with having bags and dark circles under her eyes. Once she saw him next to her a small smile instantly made its way into her face but then went back to a straight expression. She was about to open her mouth to say something when the Marauders barged into the hospital wing with a couple trays of food and juice for the couple. They set the food down and said a few words before leaving. It was an extremely kind gesture from the boys especially since it made them late to Transfiguration (Merlin knows they were horrified of McGonagall). Severus watched as Clair silently and slowly started to eat the food. She still seemed a bit off from last night (I mean why wouldn't she be?) but he wasn't going to overwhelm her with questions or affection. He was worried about making sure his love was okay first. That was always his top priority.

A/N: again sorry for the sad chapter, I do think this narrative definitely gives more development for our lovers but yeah thank you guys for all your support.

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