Wedding Special

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It had been a few months after graduation and everything was set for Clair and Severus' big day. Currently, Clair was in her area of the venue getting her makeup and hair done while Severus was in his area getting ready as well. He was wearing an all black suit with a shiny green bow tie as a nod to their shared house pride. She was currently getting her best friend, Maxine, to tie her as tight as she possibly could get into her wedding dress; cream colored full gorgeous silky skirt with jewel embroidered bodice and sleeves. She held onto the vanity where all her makeup sat.
"Maxine...", she panted, "just tie it off please, we'll break the bloody ribbon if we keep this up!"
"Whatever you say, boss!", Maxine giggled softly as she tied the ribbon at the bottom of the bodice with a bow. Luckily it wasn't a corset, Clair just needed it tight so it doesn't come undone and fall off during the reception! Plus the bow might prove to be a bit difficult for Severus to untie later in the evening and she just had to get on his nerves a little bit before the day was over. She let go of the vanity and looked at herself in the mirror. Clair knew she wasn't perfect by any means but in this moment she felt like the most perfect and gorgeous girl in the world and she was going to marry the most perfect and handsome man in the world in a few moments.
By this time, Severus was already standing at the alter. He was nervous, his hands a bit shakey. He'd thought about this moment a million times in his head and here it finally was. His thoughts were interrupted by music. He quickly straightened his posture, waiting to see his gorgeous bride come down the aisle. First he saw her friends who were the bridesmaids, then after what felt like an eternity, her. His breath hitched in his throat as he stared at her in awe. Clair looked absolutely stunning. Before he knew it, she stood right in front of him and gently grabbed his hands in her own.
"Hello Sev."
"Hello love."
The ceremony went without any complications or interruptions. Some might consider it a bit short and informal but it's what the couple wished for, they just wanted to be married.
"Do you Severus take Clarissa to be your wife?"
"I do."
"And do you Clarissa take Severus to be your husband?"
"I do."
"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."
Severus cracked a smile before pulling Clair close and giving her a short yet firm kiss before pulling away. The more passionate stuff was for later after all but for now, they had a celebration to attend.
Of course the after party was interesting with the way their friends were. The happy couple had their first dance together, smiling goofily at each other and laughing, they didn't even know what song was playing. They were just so in the moment, it felt like the rest of the world stopped and it was just them enjoying each other's company on the dance floor.
The rest of the party after that went extremely well, everyone ate and drank and had fun. Clair and Severus smashed small pieces of cake in each other's faces. The evening was somewhat of a blur to Severus besides the parts that included his gorgeous wife. He didn't remember any conversations with his friends or even what he had eaten at the reception. He was just ready to get to the honeymoon and give Clair all the kisses that she deserved. He stared at her in awe as the evening was winding down and the number of guests started to diminish.
"Is there something on my face?", her question snapped him back into reality.
"No, love. You're just so gorgeous.", he leaned in close to her face, to anyone else it might've looked like he was giving her a peck on the cheek but he was whispering in her ear
"I just can't wait to get out of here and take that bloody dress off of you.", he leaned back into his chair with a sly smirk on his face. Even to this day, Clair's face erupted in a bright red blush when her beloved Severus got bold with his comments. She giggled and lightly smacked his shoulder.
"Alright, let's get going then. I know how much you hate being kept waiting.", she threw him a small wink before getting up and grabbing his hand gently before bidding the remaining guests farewell so they could apparate to their honeymoon location.
A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter is so short but next chapter is definitely going to be spicy so yk stay tuned and also I'm very glad to be back, I've missed you all.
I was also thinking of starting another book just to kinda let off some steam and creativity when I don't feel up to writing this story. It would mostly be horror movie characters. Headcanons and such, maybe fics using this OC in a different light, idk if anyone's interested in that but you know it's just a thought and I wanna hear your guys thoughts on it as well. Thank you again so much for being so patient with me during this journey. It's been a really rough couple of weeks and I'm just so glad to have all of your support. Love you all <3

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