Chapter 19

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Clair stared at the ring in his hand, tears forming in her eyes. She wasn't really expecting this from him at all. She launched forward and enveloped him in a hug.
"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"
He hugged back tight, petting her hair. They were both still nude from the previous events but there was nothing sexual about this, it felt much more intimate and loving. He could feel her joyful tears dripping onto his shoulder as he held her. After a bit he gently pulled back, wiped her tears and put the ring on her finger, giving her a peck on the lips. After a few kisses and hugs, they cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms, it was probably the best rest they'd ever gotten in their lives.
By the time their last class rolled around the next day, everyone knew the news. The girls of course flocked around Clair to chatter about wedding details and to see the ring while the boys reactions were quite mixed. Some gave Severus dirty looks because of jealousy and some boys talked to him about it.
"Oy mate are you sure you're ready for that type of commitment?", Avery asked. Severus just glanced at his lover then glanced back over to his friend.
"She's my soul mate.", Severus replied as he nodded. Avery made a twisted face of what could be taken as either confusion or disgust while Mulciber just chuckled.
"Avery doesn't understand because he doesn't have a woman in his life who loves and supports him." Mulciber said with a smirk as he elbowed their friend.
"Yes I do!"
"Your mum doesn't count."
Severus couldn't pay attention to his friends little quarrel, his girlfr- no fiancé had all his attention, I mean how could she not. He slipped his hand on her knee gently and kissed her on the cheek a couple times earning some aww's from their classmates. They didn't have assignments in classes as of today so he could relax and think about his future with his lovely soon-to-be wife. Sirius looked back at the pair, a smile turned upward on his face surprisingly.
"Oy Snape you never asked for our blessing!", Sirius said jokingly, dramatically putting his hand on his forehead.
"Oh my how can I ever forgive myself? Please forgive me and offer me your blessing to take her hand in marriage.", Snape said with a slight smirk and rolled his eyes. Clair giggled softly while their classmates were in disbelief at the two boys not only getting along but making jokes too. She was glad, all the pieces were falling together. Her friends and fiancé were finally getting along. She never felt better. The teacher signaled that the class was over for today, Clair packed up her stuff then gently grabbed Severus' hand, exiting the classroom and heading to the great hall for dinner. They sat down next to each other at the end of Slytherin table while the rest of the students also got settled at their tables. Dumbledore stood up at the podium at the head table to make his daily announcement, probably something short and sweet about how seventh years would be graduating soon.
"Hello all, today I received some wonderful news from Professor Slughorn. Our two top seventh year students are engaged to be wed. Congratulations Clarissa Riddle and Severus Snape. May there always be light surrounding the both of you.", Dumbledore said with that crazy old man twinkle in his eye. There was silence for only a moment before a roar of clapping could be heard coming from their peers and teachers and then dying down again moments later. Dumbledore then sat down and let the feast commence. Clair looked over and pecked her lover on the cheek. He looked down at her and kissed her head. His classmates were actually happy for him, for them. For once in his life he could say that things were going his way, he could say that he was happy and content. They both ate dinner quickly and left to go back to the dorms. Clair went in the bathroom to get changed into her pajamas while Severus sat on his bed, loosening his tie. Lucius glanced over at him from behind his book.
"I heard the news. Congratulations I'm really happy for you both. My two miserable best friends finding happiness in each other and getting married, who would've thought?", Lucius said as he cracked a small smile. Severus rolled his eyes but gave his friend a smile. He'd never smiled so much in his whole entire life. Clair came out moments later in a flowey kinda short black nightgown. Severus got up with his pajamas, heading to the bathroom and kissing her on the way past. She gave Lucius a nod and a smile as she pulled the curtain around Severus' bed and crawled in. Severus was much quicker about changing than his lover, he came out in black pajama pants and a black tee shirt with his uniform neatly folded. He walked out and put it on his dresser then crawled into his bed, pulling the curtain back into place after he got in. He saw his lover on top of the covers, reading a potions book, the light material of her nightgown creeping up slightly. Oh how beautiful she looked. Severus crawled between her legs, plucking the book from her hands and setting it aside. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders gently as he held her thigh to his hip with one hand and placed the other by her head to hold himself up.
"I was reading that you know.", she said with a smile while playing with the hair at the back of his neck.
"You just looked so lovely, I couldn't resist", he said with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss her. She moved her left hand down to his cheek, keeping the other one tangled in his hair. He could feel the small cold sensation of the ring hand on her finger against his cheek. He pulled away from the kiss slowly and rested his forehead against hers. She looked up at him with adoration  filling her bright green eyes.
"I love you, Sev."
"I love you too, Clair."
He gave her one last kiss before moving beside her, holding her close as they drifted off to sleep.

(A/N: sorry it's a bit short but I hope you all liked this chapter! Thank you for being patient xoxo)

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