Chapter 18

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Trigger warning! Slurs and violence!

Harrys P.O.V

I could hear voices around me. As if they were screaming in my ears.

"Your so fucking weak! I didnt raise you to be like this! Your not even worthy to be my daughter and you think you can be my son!? Your weak Harriet your a weak little bitch"I could feel another blow to my side. I cried as he hit me harder and harder each time. I found the strength to stand up.

"My name is Harry, im not weak alot of men reveal to be omegas!" I tried to get away but I was no match for his alpha speed and strength.

"Oh no you don't you tranny Faggot bitch" I was hit more and more until I was bleeding and couldn't breath anymore.



"Harry Please wake up!" I was slowly waking up and I realized I was drenched in sweat with tears running down my face.

"No! Please stop dont hit me again im sorry im sorry!" I felt hands grab my wrists and pull my hands from my face. "No please!"

"Hazzy its me baby, its Louis please open your eyes for me love." I slowly opened my eyes to see it was in fact Louis. My Louis.

Louis P.O.V

As soon as Harrys eyes opened he lunged at me wrapping his entire body around mine holding on for dear life.

"Your safe love, its okay, im not gonna hurt you" he continued to cry but it started to slow the longer he held on. I looked over to Zayn with a terrified and questioning look. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone to signal hes gonna text me. I pulled out my phone and waited for the text.

Zayn:I usually wouldn't tell you this because its harrys story and I hate not letting him tell people in his own time, but since this just happened ill tell you just enough but not all of it. Harry has a lot of trauma from his childhood, his father was awful and with Harry being Trans and Gay and an omega it didn't go over very well. He has some serious night terrors and will probably be very very frightened and clingy for a couple days or if they continue, for a while.

Louis: but how could anyone ever hurt him, he'd never lay a finger on anyone!?

Zayn: exactly he never fought back, just took it. Thats why he has so many scars and we treat him so fragile, he is, he's broken pretty much every bone in his body at least once.

Louis:do we know the name.

Zayn:who's name?

Louis: the bastard


Louis: Zayn!

I gave him a pointed look.

Zayn: okay fine yeah we know the name. But Harry doesn't want us to do anything, we've tried.

Louis: I'm not asking

Zayn: Louis cmon just hold him and make him feel better we can talk about it later, yeah?

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