Chapter 8

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Zayn's P.O.V

After we got our food and drove out of the drive though I decided to turn the radio on. Hello by adele started blaring through the speakers. Every note just as perfect as the last. I started to sing from memory all the lyrics.

"Hello from the other sidddeeeee I must've called a thoughts timmmmeeees" I belted out word after word without a care in the world. When the song ended I looked over and saw Lou with a giant smile on his face. This went on for 3 more songs until "if the world was ending" came on. All the sudden I heard a small raspy voice start singing along. When the girls part came on I sang that part since I mean....come on. By the end of the song we were back at the house staring at eachother as the song ended. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. When we pulled apart we sat with our foreheads together just looking into eachothers eyes. Louis and I have yet to have one of these moments since he spends most of his time helping Hazza or sometimes Niall, or even learning from Liam how to care for everyone. We sat there for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes till we heard small taps on my window. We both looked over without pulling apart fully and laughed at the sight in front of us. We saw Harry and Niall standing outside the window in big oversized sweaters and we could hear Liam talking to them 'quietly'.

"Guys let them have their moment!" We could hear Liam lightly scolding.

"Sorry papa" they said in unison.

"Okay babs I think we're gonna have to get out before Ni and Haz explode or Liam loses his mind." Lou says with a small laugh.

"Yeah" I said giggling. "Can you take the bags pwease?"

"Sure babs"

We finally pulled away with one more small peck then I opened the car door to two very happy boys and a slightly stressed and sorry looking Liam.

"Come here babies" I opened my arms up for them and they both ran into my arms. I scooped them both up surprising them both as well as Liam and Louis. I ran them into the house leaving the door open for my two alphas to bring the food in.


Louis' P.O.V


"Yeah....idk.....I didnt know he did he?"

"Idk either. Like I love Ni and Haz but their not light.....and he just picked them both up like it was nothing.....lets talk to him later haha."

"Yeah definitely" with that Me and Liam brought the food in and sat in the living room with our boys.

*Time skip after dinner*

I had Zayns head in my lap as Liam cleaned up dinner while Niall and Haz cuddled on the couch. I could hear Zayns small snores and that was a good indicator that it was time for bed. We usually don't go to sleep this early but we've all been very tired lately.

"Hey Li" I whispered as Liam went by.


"I think its time for bed, yeah?" He nodded so it was go time.

Liam brought Niall upstairs first then came back for Haz. You see, Zaynie is by far the hardest to move. Hes the second lightest after Harry but because of this he wakes very easily and scares very easily out of sleep. I start peppering his face with kisses and he starts to stir a little.

"Hmm?" He mumbles as his eye lashes flutter open just enough to see I was the one talking to him.

"I'm gonna move you baby okay? I didnt wanna scare you by picking you up, yeah?" He nodded with a "mhm" so I slowly picked him up bridal style and carried him up to his bed. Surprisingly no one else was in there. I laid him down on his comforter and went to walk out to find Liam and the boys I felt a small tug on my pants. I looked over to see small tears escaping from Zayns eyes and immediately crouched down to the edge of the bed.

"Baby whats wrong? Are you hurt?"

"Please don't leave me!" He said bawling his eyes out now. When he began to shake and his sobs got louder I knew something was seriously wrong and got him back in my arms and held him tightly in my lap while he bawled. "Everything hurts, please make it go away, please!"

"Baby what hurts, I dont understand please help me understand!" I said panicked by how sad he was all the sudden. He just continued to shake and cry until he passed out from exhaustion. Once he was truly out cold which rarely happens I got up to change him into clothes for bed. I went over to his dresser and looked through his clothes till I found one of my hoodies with my missing cologne bottle next to it hidden under pajama pants......cute. I grabbed my large hoodie (I usually wear it to bed, thats why its big) sprayed it down with the cologne and brought it over to the bed. I pulled his sweater over his head followed by his long sleeve undershirt. He still had his white tank top on but I could see bruises all over his arms. At that point I ripped off the tank top and saw that his torso was covered in bruises. When I looked closer at his legs I could see some small but some large cuts peeking out from under his boxers. I ignored the aching sadness fear and anger in my heart and finished changing him before storming out of Z's room and opening doors till I found Liam. He was curled up with Niall and Harry in his room. I walked over grabbed him by the hair and dragged him out of bed and into my room without waking anyone other than Liam (obviously) up. I made sure the doors were closed before I started talking.

"Liam. I swear to god."

"What Lou? Why are you mad and why did you drag me out of bed?"

"I swear to god Liam! If you fucking touched him ill fucking kill you!"

"Who Louis what the fuck is going on!?"

"Zayn! Did you fucking hit him!?"



"Why do you think someone hit him?" I filled Liam in on what happened and Liam's eyes filled with tears.


"I fucking knew this was gonna come back again"

"What Liam what!? Tell me!"

"Lou... there's something you should know about Zayn....."


*Authors note*

1129 words

Okay im so sorry for 1 taking a bazillion years to update you guys are all so freaking sweet. Your comments have made many of my days so much better. Anyways here's chapter 8. Started off just kinda writing and inspiration struck halfway through writing this chapter. I'm currently making my friend remind me to update more frequently so you can thank Them for forcing me to update lol. Anyways everyone guess what Liam has to tell Louis about Zayn, yeah. Okay I love you guys so much please point out typos and stuff if I missed any and continue leaving comments, I love to read them and respond to most. All the love -Tye

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