Chapter 11

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Dedicated to kevinsgayvodka

Liam's P.O.V

Sitting in a hospital looking at a loved one and being able to do nothing is one of the most painful things a person can endure. Sitting and looking at my boyfriend, partner, mate, love of my life, laying there, almost lifeless. Its unbearable. As more tears began to fall from my eyes for probably the hundredth time tonight I hear a croak from next to me. My head shot up to see Zayn trying to open his tired eyes.

"Hi baby. You can keep your eyes closed if your too tired, its okay" when Zayn began to cry I hit the nurse button then began to console him. "Sweetie your okay baby, your fine. What's wrong?" He just looked up at me with a distant look and attempted to roll on his side. He failed. With all the wires and how sore his arms are it hurt to much. The pain from trying to roll just caused more tears to fall. "Baby please what can I do? Why won't you talk to me!?" Zayn just shook his head and continued to cry. Since he wouldn't talk to me I picked up my phone calling Louis to fill him in. It was now 7am so although he probabaly won't be awake at least the boys won't be too mad to be woken up. On the 4th ring he answered breathless.

"Yeah shit Li is he okay!?" I glanced over at Zayn before answering.

"Um hes okay, he lost alot of blood but it wasn't enough that he needed a transfusion or anything. He won't talk to me though." All the sudden I felt Zayns eyes on me. 'Is that Louis?' I could hear Zayn ask. Its been a very very long time since we've talked mentally while in human form as Zayn never liked it. He wanted his mind to himself when he was a human and could help it fully. I nodded to him and listened to Lou.

"OH thank god! Should I bring the boys up? Should I get a sitter? Should we switch? Are you okay? What should I do??" 'Tell him to come up please' I looked over to see Zayn with a begging expression and sad eyes.

"Calm down Lou were all okay. Get a sitter for the boys and then come up here. Z wants to see you I think."

"Okay ill do it right now. Ill be up in like a half hour or so!"

"He'll be up soon Z." I just got a nod in response. We sat in silence for around 45 minutes before Louis came bursting through the door.

"Baby holy shit are you okay!? I was so scared" zayn just broke out in loud sobs and put his arms up slightly. Louis ran to the side of the bed with no wires climbed on the bed and pulled Z into his chest. "Baby whats wrong sweets. Hey hey look at me. Show me those beautiful hazel eyes." Zayn hesitantly rose his face to look at Lou. "There they are. I missed those ya know. I quite like waking up to them." Zayn nodded but continued to cry.

"Please" was all zayn muttered.

"Please what baby?"

"Please make it stop."

"I know everything hurts baby but I can get a nurse if you want?"

"No. Why did he have to find me. I wanted it to stop"

"Baby. Liam saved you. He loves you more than anything else in the world. Please don't talk like that baby. I dont know what I would do without you in this world Z." Zayn looked at Louis in a way that can only be described as desperation before latching onto him for dear life. As if Louis was a life line and if Zayn let go they would both dissapear.

"Please don't leave me" Zayn said pushing further into Louis chest.

"Never ever, I promise"


A month later

Louis' P.O.V

Its been a month since Zayn went into the hospital and he's been latched on to me pretty much all month. He got discharged yesterday and now we're cuddling on my bed. I tried to walk him into his room but he just shook his head and whimpered till I brought him to mine. So that's were we currently are. Laid on my bed cuddling. Zayn doesn't sleep soundly at all not that he did much before but he jumps up at the sound of a pin dropping.

"Baby, can I talk to you?"


"You really scared me yknow."


"Z im serious. I was terrified. I thought I'd never see you again, and babe that was horrific!"

"m really sorry Lou. Seriously im very very sorry"

"I know your going through a lot Z and I hope your medication gets worked out but we need to figure out how to help you when you get that way and the medication isn't helping."

"I know Lou im sorry. It could've been one of the boys, im so so sorry. I hate that I'm like this. I hate it I hate it I hate it!" At this point zayn was covering his ears and yelling slightly.

"Baby calm down. Your fine. The boys are fine. Me and Liam are fine. Calm down." I slowly pulled his hands off his ears. I cupped his cheeks and gave him kisses all over his face until he was giggling and smiling. "That baby. That is the most beautiful thing in the world."

"What?" Zayn said coming down from his laughing high.

"Your smile. I never want you to lose that. When somethings wrong or bothering you. Smile. And remember I love you so much it physically pains me." Zayn looked at me shocked before responding.

"I love you too Lou. Thank you for being here for me."

"I will always be here for you." With that I winked then started the fun part. "I'll be there for youuuuu"

"When the rain starts to pour"

"I'll be there for youuuuuuu"

"Like I've been there before"

"I'll be there for youuuuu"

"Cause your there for me toooooooooo" we finished together laughing hysterically. "Go to sleep baby, I'm not going anywhere."

"Okie, night Lou I love you"

"I love you too baby gnight"

With that Zayn fell asleep clutching the front of my shirt while laying on my chest. With me not to far behind.


Word total: 1068

Authors note:

Heyyyyyy I actually stuck to my update schedule. Heyoooo win for meeeee. Sorry this was basically fluff and slight filler to make my future chapters make a little more sense and give alittle background. Soooo yeah. Leave comments!!! I read them all and respond to most. I absolutely love reading comments its my favorite part of posting so Comment plzzzz! Love you guys soooo much and see you next thursdayyyyy!💙💚

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