Chapter 1

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Louis P.O.V

I walked down the hallway of my new school with my head down hoping to god no one smells my scent. My last school was crawling with betas and omegas that didn't know when to back off...makes it kinda hard to get through your school day with people literally chasing you. I'm hoping this school is pretty equal. Although I did hear that this school is not just Alphas and omegas but regular people that are going here because there subs or doms. I think it's kinda cool but it does leave more of a possibility that I will not only have omegas and betas following me but also submissives... Great.

Anyways back to me walking through the hall... I'm mostly smelling alphas to be honest. Oh wait wait wait nope I can smell the omegas there on the other side of the halls. So I began to walk to my locker when I noticed that there was one smell filling me nose like non other. It was defenitly an omega but why is it standing out in the crowd. It's a boy should be my age taller and growing closer as I walk..

And there he is standing slightly slouched at his locker. He has chocolate brown curls that are just long enough to go across his face in a sort of fringe.. not like mine of course that is feathery and an actual fringe. I was right he's taller than me but not by a lot only by I would guess a couple inches. Ok louis calm down you just got here...but at least say hi or something. I think to myself as I approach him quickly realizing his locker is nicely placed next to me. I opened it with ease and looked at the beautiful boy next to me...

"Hiya babe" I said with a nice cheeky smile "I'm Louis Tomlinson and who might you be...or do I have to call you curly?" I continued with my cheeky smile until he looked up and it fell of my face as my Jaw dropped.

"H-hi i-im h-harry, h-harry styles." My jaw continued to stay on the floor as I looked into his emrold greens he called eyes. It was then that Harry realized I was staring and getting lost in his Forrest that he looked away sheepishly.

"Hey!" I said my alpha voice coming on accedently at him breaking eye contact I created. He winced when it came out of my mouth.

"I-i-i im s-s-s-sorry p-p-p-p-pl-eass d-dont hurt m-me." He started to shake and tear up as he failed to get out a sentence without stuttering. Damit Louis how could you scare this boy like this...and now that I'm thinking who in the hell hurt this boy to the point of him being this scared.

"Omg Harry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. I won't hurt you I'm so sorry babe I didn't mean to it just slipped out. I'm sorry I would never ever hurt you I promise!" I used a mix of alpha to keep a stern tone but toned it down by a million and 1 so this amazing boy would look at me again without hurt or fear in his eyes. "Harry, Harry babe can you please look at me?" He slowly tilted his head but up to look at me and I felt my heart break at the sight of his Forrest in a rainstorm. "Harry I don't want to over step but I feel a connection and an obligation in my heart to hug and comfort you...would you like that?" When I got a small nod I held back the alpha in me wanting to tell him to use his words but held it back.

I pulled Harry into a soft hug as he continued to sob into my chest. How does this boy already have me falling for him when he's barely said 3 sentences to me? Whatever that reason would be it didn't matter in that moment because his boy need him.

"Hey baby can you look at me please, let me see those beautiful eyes of your yeah?" I heard a wimper and then I saw them his beautiful orbs looking up at me almost like a lost pup. "There they are" I said feeling one of my happiest smiles came onto my face as he blushed a adorable red. "So Harry I have a important question for you. Up for it?" He tilted his head to the side as if trying to ask but not wanting to talk. "Hey babes I need words ok. Now here's what I need an answer to again... are. You. Up. To. Answer. A. Important. Question. I. Have. For. You?"


"Good now Harry I want to know would you like me to be your Alpha. I promise to hold you when you need and scold when needed but always giving hugs kisses and cuddles after. Now my little hugbug would you like that. Harry looked at me with crinkled eyebrows as if thinking until he finally nodded. "Ah ah ah babe what did I just say" I said in a soft but warning voice.

"Y-yes L-louis please... I like you... I want you to be my Alpha."

Soooo why did I start this...IDK do I wanna have positive feed back as a excuse to continue... probably. Am I most likely gonna continue whether you like it or not... Also probably.

No anyways you guys know I love y'all and love your feedback it's always nice and positive basically I love you guys.... but not as much as Larry loves each other... don't judge me you knew it was coming...pfffft Larry did that too. God I need to stop. I found out I have a 3.9 GPA today I'm in 7th grade and I'm doing this with my time... WHAT A TIME WHAT A TIME FOR YOU AND I!!!! ok I'll stop now idk when the next chapter will be cause this was a random spark of inspiration but I hope you guys liked it... eh your gonna tell me in the comments so idk why I even write this...ok I'll spare your brains of anymore of me talking... happy reading:)))

1070 words

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