Chapter 19

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Louis P.O.V

I got off the phone with Zayn and looked at the baby in my arms.

"Hey Lovey.?" I said kissing his face until his eyes fluttered open. "We gotta go love, I can leave you in bed while I pack some stuff if you want?"

"Want Ni." I nodded then detangled myself from his grasp leaving him under the blanket. I ran downstairs getting Niall and telling him that were packing and I need him to cuddle with Hazzy. I went back upstairs to pack our bags.

*two hours later*

I packed all of our bags including Zayns and brought them out to the porch as Zayn pulled back in the driveway with the car. He stopped the car jumped out and ran into my arms crying.

"Babe? You okay? What happened?"

"I kicked him out Lou. I screamed and kicked and punched and kicked him out. I know its for the best but it still hurt, he was my life" he said through tears and whimpers and deep breaths.

"Its okay love, he'll work on himself and if he doesn't thats what was meant to happen."

"I know, its just....just hard."

"I know love" I said squeezing him harder. I grabbed a few bags and put then in the boot. Zayn did the same and soon we had all the bags in the car. As I closed the boot I heard running and then felt a force hit my side, I fell into the grass with a thump.

"Lou Lou are you leaving?" It was Daisy. She had tears in her eyes and I could tell she just woke up after falling asleep on the couch during the movie. It was now dark outside and past mid night.

"I'm sorry love, I have to go home now."

"But this is your home" she said with a pout.

"Of course love this is always going to be my home but I have to take my mates back to our home. Ill come visit more I promise, okay?" She nodded with hooded sad eyes and hugged me tight. "Call me anytime you miss me okay bug?"

"Okay Lou Lou."

"Let's get you into bed yeah?" She nodded sleepily so I got up with her in my arms and carried her inside and up to her bedroom where Phe had already gone to and fell asleep. I put her to bed with a kiss and leaned down to the bottom bunk of their shared bunk beds to make Phe up and say goodbye. She said goodbye with mild tears and a tight hug. Going into the room over I said goodbye to Lottie and she told me to come back soon or she'd kill me. Now for the hard part. I walked to the purple and black door and knocked.

"Come in" I opened the door to find Fiz sticking her head back in the window from where she sat on our pretty much flat roof. "Oh hey Lou?"

"Mind if I join you?" She waved me on so I climbed out the window and sat next to her.

"So I see you took over my spot huh?"

"Yeah, after you moved out and this room wasn't your music room anymore I moved out from Lot and into here. I come out here alot." I nodded as she spoke dreading the conversation we would inevitably have to have. "So why are you really out here Lou?"

"Well we actually have to leave." I saw her eyes well up with tears but I could see her fighting it. "Fizzy its okay to get upset. I wish we could've stayed alittle longer but Zayn and Harry need to be back in their house." She broke down crying and I wrapped my arms around her.

"You like just got here though, we never see you anymore please!"

"Fizzy please take a breath. Gimme a second yeah?" She nodded and I climbed back through the window and walked down to the kitchen where my mum and Zayn sat. "Hey guys I have a question"

"Shoot love"

"Whats up honey?"

"So Fizzy is very upset that im leaving and honestly I'm devastated to be doing this to her again. Mum, what if she came to live with us? Obviously that's up to you too Zayn since it's your house. Just an idea"

"Well honey, you are considered to live within her school district so that wouldn't be an issue, are you sure you could support her as well? And do you guys have the room?"

"Well Jay we actually have a newly empty room and im okay with it if you are. I'm sure it would be nice for Harry and Niall to have someone else to talk to and if its important to Lou it's important to me." Zayn said with a smile.

"Well if Fizzy wants to go she can but she has to call me at least twice a week and you guys will be expected for Sunday dinners more often."

"Thank you Mum!" I said running to give her a hug. "Thank you Zaynie!" I said running and hugging him. I ran upstairs happier than ive been in a while and hopped back out the window onto the roof next to a still watery eyed Fizzy. I pulled a straight face and looked at her. "You know I'm not sure why your so upset"

"Lou. I dont want you to leave again!"

"Yeah but since your coming with me I dont see the issue." I kept the straight face even when she looked at me with a confused look. "Wanna come stay with us?" Her eyes lit up.

"Really Lou!?" I nodded and she jumped on me.

"Woah be careful we are still on a roof"

"Sorry ill go pack!" She said jumping over me and back through the window. I climbed in behind her and started helping her pack. Right as we finished packing most of her essentials deciding to come back tomorrow for the rest we took her bags outside. She said her fairwells till tomorrow to everyone and I carried Harry while Zayn carried Niall out to the car. We all piled in with the puppies all settled and drove home. Ready for whatever was there when we got there.

Total words: 1053

Authors note: Heyyyyyy im kinda back. Ive been itching to write for a few days and finally brought myself to do it. This is kind of a filler just to hopefully get some inspiration to continue it. Sorry for anyone who's missing Liam lol. I hope you all enjoyed this little filler chapter and ill see you all next chapter. Love you all💙

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