Chapter 12

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Zayn's P.O.V

I woke up to the quiet snores of Louis. I opened my eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. Damnit! It's 3am, this is the 5th day in a row I've woken up at this time. I feel bad waking Lou up everytime I wake up but he told me to. When my brain finally decided to stop arguing and wake him up I gently kissed him awake.

"Mm I like that wake up call" Louis said in a sleepy voice.

"Sorry. I woke up again"

"3 again?" He asked with his eyes still closed.


"Do you want to go back to sleep orr?"

"Hmm I think I'd rather kiss you again"

"Oh yeah?" Lou said with a smirk. "Well come get one" I leaned up again and we kissed till there was no one breath. I straddled his waist and kept kissing him till I felt small gentle hands push my slightly away. "I dont want to get carried away baby, not tonight".

"Okay daddy" I said as I laid down next to him again.

"We can still kiss I just want the first time we do anything to be special, ya know?"

"Yeah I understand" I snuggled into his side and kissed his naked chest. Louis gets very very sweaty in his sleep if he sleeps with pants and a shirt on and is being cuddled.

"Can I ask you a question Z?"

"Mhm" he looked at my hesitantly before asking his question.

"Why won't you talk to Liam? Hes really broken up about you not talking to him"

"I dont know honestly. I just dont want to."

"Thats not an answer Z. I know you have a reason"

"Fine. I'm pissed at him for doing what he did."

"For saving you? We've been over this Z he loves you"

"No im pissed at him for lying. I'm not stupid Liam goes into shock when he sees blood. I know you saved me not him." I looked at him with a pointed look.

"Um. No really he...helped?"

"Are you asking or telling me."


"Look Lou trust me I looked into you after we first met. I did my research. Your mom is a nurse, your dad was a army medic that died during a tour in Iraq. Ever since you've wanted to be the perfect son and have followed in both their footsteps. Your in ROTC thats where you sneak off to every week. You plan to go into the army as a medic and then come back get a job as an emt then go to college to be a nurse like your mom. I know every move you've planned out for your life. I know you saved me. I know you cleaned the wounds, kept them from bleeding, and were the only reason I lived. Normally I would be sad that I'm still here. But I'm happy to finally have someone who cares enough to try and save me. And im sad that the one I've loved for years didn't try at all." I started to get teary eyed so I stopped and looked at Lou to find him also tearing up.

" did you find all that out"

"It wasn't hard. You've earned about every possible award you could possibly get in high school and in the ROTC program. Your all over the internet, plus I have my people." He looked at me shocked.

"Well yeah your right. BUT Liam went into shock there was nothing he could do. When you go into shock you can't act rationally. When I walked into the bathroom I went into emt mode. I've seen blood, broken bones, attempted suicide, all of it. Plus my sister Fizzy has bipolar depression too. I'm the only one that ever found her. She's okay now. But for a long time she wasn't. And I was the one that helped her everytime. Its not liams fault he went into shock. When I walked into that bathroom he was sobbing with you in his lap like he hoped if he held you tight enough you wouldn't slip away from him. But now your here and slipping away from him anyway. He's heart broken Z."

"I know Lou. But he lied to me. Said he saved me, told the doctors he saved me. Even tho we all know it was you. I dont like Liars" when I said Liam told the doctors he saved me I could see a little bit of anger flash in his eyes.

"I didnt know that.....we should go back to sleep Z. Its 4:30 now."

"Yeah okay I guess." I curled farther into his warm chest and willed myself to fall asleep hoping Louis would always be there when I wake up.

Word total: 801

Authors note:
Hey guys I'm sorry this is short and late by two weeks. My grandpa passed away Halloween and my house has been nothing but stress and tears lately. I'm gonna try to get back to my schedule hopefully this coming week. Love you guys and hope you liked this chapter.

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