Chapter 9

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"Liam. I swear to god."

"What Lou? Why are you mad and why did you drag me out of bed?"

"I swear to god Liam! If you fucking touched him ill fucking kill you!"

"Who Louis what the fuck is going on!?"

"Zayn! Did you fucking hit him!?"



"Why do you think someone hit him?" I filled Liam in on what happened and Liam's eyes filled with tears.


"I fucking knew this was gonna come back again"

"What Liam what!? Tell me!"

"Lou... there's something you should know about Zayn....."

Louis' P.O.V

"Liam, what!??? Is he okay?" I said in a panic. Liam just cried harder as he tried to compose himself enough to talk.

"Lou...Zayn has had a really troubled past. Its not my story to tell." He continued to cry harder. "But he's in no place to tell you. So I suppose I should tell you a small bit"

"Please im dying her Li!"

"Louis, zayn has bipolar depression. It hasn't been bad in a very long time. He never missed his meds and when he did it very rarely got bad. Obviously he needs his meds adjusted if what you say is true. I'm scared though Louis. Last time we adjusted his meds it took 2 weeks for his body to adjust and accept the meds all the way. He was a mess."

Liams flashback/story

He had to be put on suicide watch and had to stay in the hospital. It was terrifying. He sat in a hospital bed all day strapped down and usually crying. One day he looked at me with a look that broke my heart and said

"please Li please just let me go. I dont want to be here any longer."

"Baby you have to stay here. I'm sorry but the doctors are scared your gonna hurt yourself."

"No Li I want to leave everything. Why can't I just leave. Everything hurts, all the time."

"Baby please don't say that. I love you so much. Anything you need ill be with you everyday no matter what. I promise. Get some sleep baby." He nodded and closed his eyes getting ready to go back to sleep.

"Hey Li?"

"Yeah Z?"

"Just....please don't leave me"

"Never baby. Never."

End of flashback/story

Still Louis' P.O.V

"I was heart broken Lou. He was in so much pain."

"I....I didnt know. I do you think that will happen again?"

"Id like to say no but you never know. Being bipolars a bitch. I struggled with it for a long time. It was really bad when a few years ago but has slowly fizzled out. I still have my moments but for the most part it's under control. I think taking care of the boys is what keeps me sane to be honest."

"But your not depressed right?" I asked shocked.

"Well Louis no but I dont have bipolar depression. I'm bipolar but my issues are with anger. But I worked on it super hard and got the best medications I could find so I would never snap at the boys. It broke my heart when I would snap at them when they didn't deserve it. Zayn however has very high highs and very low lows. So like when you and him had so much fun earlier and then after we woke back up he was really really low. Sometimes he gets snappy and angry but thats because Z has a hard time dealing with being sad. He thinks he's burdening others with his problems if he shows he's sad. So sometimes he will snap out of frustration with himself and his own emotions." I started tearing up at that.

"So he can't control it at all?"

"No Lou basically he can't. He can do stuff to help keep his spirits up and we can all try to cheer him up but 9/10 it can't be helped when he's that low. And he can't help feeling that low sadly." I started sobbing uncontrollably at that.

"That poor boy. Can't help being sad. No one deserves that. Hes so beautiful, kind, creative, funny, and just amazing. And he doesn't think or see that at all in the mirror."

"I know Lou, its hard."


Harrys P.O.V


"Yeah baby?" Louis said wiping away his tears and sniffing.

"Why are you and papa crying?"

"Nothing baby its okay, why are you up?" Liam asked scooping me up in his arms.

"I heard loud sounds so I came out to see what it was but then I found you crying"

"We just....wait you heard loud sounds?"

"Yeah papa there was a loud thud I assumed you dropped something."

"We didnt drop anything....." All the sudden Liam put me in Louis' arms and bolted out of the room. Soon we heard banging and then a loud crash.

"Fuck Zayn! SHIT SHIT SHIT!"

"Baby stay here" Louis sat me on Liams bed and went to leave the room.

"Is papa okay daddy?"

"I'm sure he's fine baby, stay here" he said in a soft but stern voice.

"Okay daddy" with that he left into the hallway.

Liams P.O.V

"I heard loud sounds so I came out to see what it was but then I found you crying" Harry said while rubbing his tired eyes.

"We just....wait you heard loud sounds?"

"Yeah papa there was a loud thud I assumed you dropped something."

"We didnt drop anything....." oh shit. I handed Harry to Louis and ran out of the bedroom down first to Zayns room. I saw the door was opened and check to see him not in there. I ran to the bathroom to see the door was locked. I banged on the door. "Z open the door please!?" I said through the door. Finally after a few more knocks and no answer I kicked the door down.

"Fuck Zayn! SHIT SHIT SHIT!"

Total words: 1008

Authors note:

Hi. I know you guys must hate me so much right now lol. So update on my update schedule if stuff works out how I hope it will, I will be updating once a week on either Thursday or Friday. And the occasional surprise update like this one. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter should be out by Thursday.....if I can wait that long lol.

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