Chapter 21

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Louis P.O.V

I held Fiz tight in our hug.

"Thank you Lou, really thanks so much its beautiful" I nodded with a kiss on her head.

"Your very welcome how about we grab something to eat? I could go pick up mcdonalds if thats cool with you guys?" I got quick yes' from Ni and Haz and a nod from Zayn.

"Good with me" Fiz said pulling away from my chest.

"So who wants to come with me?"

"I'll come with I guess. How about you guys clean up while we're gone" the boys nod and so does Fiz.

"Okay then me and Z will go, text one of us what you guys want" Okays are heard through the room so me and Z head out to my jeep.

"So when were you gonna tell me you can paint like that?" Zayn asks as I climb in.

"I didnt think it was to important love" I said with a laugh.

"But Lou you know I love art, we could've been drawing and painting together this whole time!" He said with a whine and a pointed look.

"Well now you know so whenever you want to draw or paint together we can, okay?"

"Okay" he said with a nod. I grabbed his hand kissing the back of it lacing our fingers together as we drove. After getting a text from Fiz with what they all wanted we grabbed the food and started on our way home. Zayns phone started ringing and vibrating half way through the ride home but I was driving and he had his hands full of food so we ignored it till we pulled down are street and saw dreadful flashing lights. "Fuck Lou check our phones!" I grabbed his phone despite my hatred for having a phone in my hand while driving and saw about a thousand texts from Harry and Niall.

"SHIT!" I threw the phone speeding down to the house and parking pretty much in our yard. I jumped out ignoring Zayn screaming asking what was happening and ran up to the door to a crying Harry and a petrified Niall. "Haz what happened were is she!?"

"Msorry, mso so sorry, I didnt realize. I just wanted to show her the pretty lights i got im sorry!"

"Hazzy im not mad at you where is she?"

He cries harder so I ran upstairs into my sisters room the medics were having a hard time finding where she was in the house since the boys couldn't talk much so when I found her I yelled. By the time they made it to her room I had already pulled wallet out situating it in her mouth supported her head. The paramedic asked me for the basic info like allergies so I grabbed her medical alert bracelet from the side table and gave it to him as they put her on the stretcher to take her out. I stayed right behind her the whole time and rode in the ambulance all the way to the hospital.

Zayns P.O.V

I have no idea whats going on but I jump out of the jeep grab Ni and Harry and drive them to the hospital right behind the ambulance. "Guys what happened?"

"I showed her my new lights and she started shaking and fell and it was so scary. Is she okay!? Was it my fault!? I'm sorry im sorry imsorry!"

"No love you didnt know. Cmon let's go find Lou!" I jumped out locking the car as we ran inside looking around.

"Please let me go in! Thats my baby sister PLEASE! FUCK!" I heard Louis scream as they pushed him back into the waiting room.

"Lou!" He turned round running into my arms.

"They won't let me in! She had a seizure. I guess she hasn't been taking her meds"

"Shell be okay babe."

"She has to be okay!" Louis is hysterically crying now.

"Msorry Lou its all my fault!" Haz says from behind me crying.

"No love its not she didn't tell you about her epilepsy and hasn't been taking her meds. I'm not mad at you." Lou attempts a small smile to make Haz feel better but I can tell its not genuine.

"Lou did you call Jay?" He shakes his head

"I think the hospital mightve"

"Okay ill call her just in case."

"Hey Jay, its Zayn...."

Louis P.O.V

I watch Zayn walk away talking to my mum and hope she doesn't freak out to bad. I should've asked about the meds I dont even know if she brought them with her to the house. I just hope she's okay....she has to be okay.



"Its Louis, thats me" I said running up to the nurse. "Is she okay?Can I see her?" A million questions run through my head.

"Yes sir but you have to be quiet, she hit her head quite hard when she fell so please be cautious of her sensitivities at the moment. Follow me" I look back at Zayn and the boys and see they havnt moved. Z walks up to me with a small smile.

"Go see her Lou. We'll wait our turn." He said in my ear then kissed my head only to push me lightly to lighten the mood. "Go"

"I'll text you!" I said running down the hall to where the nurse stood in front of room 213. I take a deep breath and walk in. I know it was just a seizure and to most that doesn't seem like a big deal but my sister has a rare case that can be deadly if she doesn't take care of her self and take her meds at all times. "Fizzy girl...." I said quietly taking in her looks. Shes still beautiful like the sister I know but she looks exhausted. With tired eyes she looks at me, in obvious pain and sadness.

"I'm sorry Lou. I was doing so well. I went off the meds cause I thought I was okay....msorry" she spoke quick and scared, like maybe I'd be mad at her.

"What you did was dangerous Fiz, but I'm not gonna waste time being mad about it. Your strong but your body needs that drug to help you stay strong. Please be careful and take your meds, please."

"I will Lou I will I promise im so sorry." I nod kissing her wrapped head. Its a bit blood stained where she hit it.

"Well scooch over sis" I said sassily to hopefully lighten the mood. With a smile and a giggle she slid over slightly cautious of her cast on her arm and all the wires. I climbed in next to her and held her to my chest. "Dont ever scare me like that again, okay." She nods squeezing my middle before drifting off from the pain meds.

Word count:1146

Authors note: im not dead lmao. I kinda was waiting for inspiration. Defenitly not my favorite chapter but I think as of rn I'm gonna try to get more explanations out on each main (or kinda main) characters so everyone can understand each one a little more. I hope it wasn't too awful. Love you guys💙

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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